tough internet talk


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2002
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So i'm reading some threads, and I notice some trash talk, and some "I'm tough" attitude. So what's up with that? I'd expect that at some rinkydink radio station chat room, or at yahoo or AOL, but wasn't expecting so much of it here. I mean I could personally give a crap, but with all the long posts here about lots of neat subjects, it seems kind of out of place here.

So "newbie" , being the naive newer posting person here, was curious what is the reason for it? Is there some gain to be made? Are there jollies to be had? In some cases it's kind of humorous - I mean I can act childish - but based on some of what I've read, I could lend out my pacifier and baby bottle to some here. Some of it is a little mean - as i guess you chased away this jannet person. So - for all the tough ones out here (or for anyone for that matter) - what's the "tough" reason?
stfu n00b13, ir l33t3r than j00. Don't make me r0xx0r1z3 j00!

I think all the "toughness" is usually just joking around.

I hated Wolff for a LONG time, until I realized the assholeness was just his sense of humour. With Jannet, people became mean, mean, mean, not just funny mean. Like mean! Misanthrope is always mean, which is funny, he's truly mean, but it's still funny. I think you'll understand better when you're around longer.
Yeah, Oyo's right. You'll get a feel for everyone's personality after a while. The Satori v. Misanthrope arguments are classic. No need to fret for anyone's feelings. :)
Not to mention, you'll never truly understand the Jannet situation since she deleted most (if not all) of her posts (which you can't do anymore, in case you haven't noticed...) I was lucky enough to come on here about the same time that she did so I got to read it all... It doesn't matter though, this place is alot cooler than most of the other forums on the net, it would seem...
Originally posted by Centipede
So i'm reading some threads, and I notice some trash talk, and some "I'm tough" attitude. So what's up with that? I'd expect that at some rinkydink radio station chat room, or at yahoo or AOL, but wasn't expecting so much of it here. I mean I could personally give a crap, but with all the long posts here about lots of neat subjects, it seems kind of out of place here.

So "newbie" , being the naive newer posting person here, was curious what is the reason for it? Is there some gain to be made? Are there jollies to be had? In some cases it's kind of humorous - I mean I can act childish - but based on some of what I've read, I could lend out my pacifier and baby bottle to some here. Some of it is a little mean - as i guess you chased away this jannet person. So - for all the tough ones out here (or for anyone for that matter) - what's the "tough" reason?

Listen you dumb fuck

I will tell you only once, we are not serious about it, its the way we post, its a big joke and we mean no harm by it. I do it cause im roleplaying, others do it cause its fun to do so, and there is no harm done cause everyone knows not to take it too personal, if you DO take it personal you have 2 options

1) Realize we are not serious and dont take insults so personal, it wont get to you if you dont let it

2)Bitch about it in certain way. I heard satori its offering his brain muscle to defend the newbies and the people who its too stupid to win an argument on their own or that cry over stupid crap that happens on a damn fucking machine.

Consider this my first and last warning, i wont warn anyone again until next month like metalmancpa suggested. The ball its on your hands its not my responsability, be aware of what you are getting into because you look like a newbie of the bitchy "everyone leave me alone cause im new" kind you fucking whelp.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Listen you dumb fuck

I will tell you only once, we are not serious about it, its the way we post, its a big joke and we mean no harm by it. I do it cause im roleplaying, others do it cause its fun to do so, and there is no harm done cause everyone knows not to take it too personal, if you DO take it personal you have 2 options

1) Realize we are not serious and dont take insults so personal, it wont get to you if you dont let it

2)Bitch about it in certain way. I heard satori its offering his brain muscle to defend the newbies and the people who its too stupid to win an argument on their own or that cry over stupid crap that happens on a damn fucking machine.

Consider this my first and last warning, i wont warn anyone again until next month like metalmancpa suggested. The ball its on your hands its not my responsability, be aware of what you are getting into because you look like a newbie of the bitchy "everyone leave me alone cause im new" kind you fucking whelp.

From one dumb fuck to another - I don't take this kind of garbage seriously or personal - you assumptive piece of crap :p

I don't think I could EVER take you serious anyways, and if you think i'm all scared and want to be left alone 'cause I'm new - HAHAHA. Go and role play then - I need a laugh once in a while, and you must be the forum provider.

And what the fuck is a whelp? :lol:
Originally posted by Centipede
So i'm reading some threads, and I notice some trash talk, and some "I'm tough" attitude. So what's up with that? I'd expect that at some rinkydink radio station chat room, or at yahoo or AOL, but wasn't expecting so much of it here. I mean I could personally give a crap, but with all the long posts here about lots of neat subjects, it seems kind of out of place here.

So "newbie" , being the naive newer posting person here, was curious what is the reason for it? Is there some gain to be made? Are there jollies to be had? In some cases it's kind of humorous - I mean I can act childish - but based on some of what I've read, I could lend out my pacifier and baby bottle to some here. Some of it is a little mean - as i guess you chased away this jannet person. So - for all the tough ones out here (or for anyone for that matter) - what's the "tough" reason?

Are you Jannet in disguise? :lol: :lol: :lol:
By the way...I don't want to start a thread to celebrate this, and I haven't celebrated thus far because I've been bracing for her return. But it seems the appropriate time to say...



Seriously, it makes coming to the board much, much, much more enjoyable knowing that I don't need to over-explain my position, only to have her still take offense at some imaginary assumption of mine. It seems too good to be true, so...knock on wood.
Originally posted by Lina
By the way...I don't want to start a thread to celebrate this, and I haven't celebrated thus far because I've been bracing for her return. But it seems the appropriate time to say...



Seriously, it makes coming to the board much, much, much more enjoyable knowing that I don't need to over-explain my position, only to have her still take offense at some imaginary assumption of mine. It seems too good to be true, so...knock on wood.

Gee Lina - didn't invite me to the party? :D
Originally posted by Oyo
stfu n00b13, ir l33t3r than j00. Don't make me r0xx0r1z3 j00!

I think all the "toughness" is usually just joking around.

I hated Wolff for a LONG time, until I realized the assholeness was just his sense of humour.

Fuck you too man.
Originally posted by Belial

It wouldn't suprise me. A big coincidence that his arrival directly coincides with Jannet's departure. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. :)

You're not paranoid. No newcomer starts a thread like this.

We'll just have to wait and see
Originally posted by Wolff

You're not paranoid. No newcomer starts a thread like this.

We'll just have to wait and see

I was wondering the same thing - I said before she was always hidden when she was here before - now, who knows?

Are we really this paranoid?
Originally posted by Wolff

You're not paranoid. No newcomer starts a thread like this.

We'll just have to wait and see

i may be a newcomer here, but it's not like I haven't posted on forums before. I was just curious.

And as I look between my legs - don't look like a jannet to me.
I suspect she'll be back, although I personally don't give a fuck

I'll take the piss if Centipede starts exhibiting any Jannet like behaviour.

I don't think it will be difficult to find out who's who.