Tour Contract Riders


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
Early this year, The Smoking Gun posted a copy of Katy Perry's Tour Contract Rider, which makes her chauffeurs devoid of doing anything other than driving. Aside from that, one must wonder what she has against carnations.

For those unfamiliar, tour riders are the little details added to contracts by artists. One of the most famous riders is by Van Halen, which specifies that their dressing room has a bowl of M&M's without the brown ones. Not that anyone in the band hated brown M&M's, but that clause was to make sure the promoters read and honored the tour contract in full. Nowadays, every musical act has a specific rider to their tour contract. For example, Metallica demands bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So this brings to mind this question: If the Maidens had their own contract rider, what would they put on it?

McRibs? :lol:
We DO have a rider that specifies beer, wine, diet sodas, and vegan vittles among other things, but it's obviously really tame and boring compared to what some artists demand! :guh: :tickled:
I know,nobody really gives a shit about a rant,but...I just found this new smiley,and I can build it into my post! Here's something to Katy Perry,and her similarly "talented" colleagues: :fu:

But seriously...this rider is ridiculous,and the saddest part is that she's going to get those things,just because she can.Blame it on people with absolutely no taste in music! Can anyone explain to me how the hell did she made it though? I mean,she can't play an instrument,she can't write a song,she can't sing for shit,aaaaand she's not even hot,for Christ's sake! So what gives?
.. millions of dollars for record companies. I guess that's all that matters.

So? Just because her management has a lot of money it still does not explain what's her appeal to the people! She (and a lots of other similar "artists") has nothing to put on a table,yet millions of brainless idiots around the world willing to pay (with their money and their time) to see them and listen to their crap.
Why? It's beyond me! But then again,it could easily be a rhetorical question,'cos I don't think anybody could give a logical explanation to that.