Tour dates in Sweden?


New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2008
Are there any tour dates in Sweden coming up, preferably in the Örebro or Karlstad area? I´ve been longing to see you guys since I heard WITW for the first time.

I used to hassle Jonny on the Sweden Rock Festival forum about gigs, but to no avail. :o)

So tell me some good news guys.

I'm not sure really.
We would like to come to Gothenburg and we're putting some effort into that, we will also play a short release-party thing in Stockholm to celebrate the new album soon (more news will follow) and there is a gig scheduled in Jönköping come Novmeber. That's about it so far I'm afraid.

We'll definitely post news here though so keep checking back!

I hope you keep us updated about all your upcoming gigs so its possible to be there and support you.

And next time I hope I dont have to drive all the way to norway, like I did last weekend.

Can you tell us some more about the gig in Jönköping?