Tour dates

Guys? San Francisco? Berkeley? You can't just go to Europe without warming up somewhere, right? Okay? Please? I just scraped myself up off the floor when I saw all the European dates, now I'm back down there, on my knees, not too proud to BEG!? I'm going to go buy another one of your CDs now, to smooth my anguished nerves...sob....
All three gigs in Holland are EUR 25, while the rest is EUR 20... (OK, only Paris is more expensive.) Whose idea is that?! EUR 75 (that's about $ 85) in two weeks and I am not intending to see Spock's Beard anyway...
Ah, it's been too long since I saw Enchant live, so I'll stop whining...


No word on US dates yet all, but this is still very possible. The west coast is very realistic especially a few warm up gigs here locally :)

ebass said:
Anybody flying or traveling any great distance is always on the guest list when possible!

AWESOME is right!!! You guys are too cool! Quick question though....if/when there is a tour in the US, will it be the same lineup - Enchant, Spocks Beard, and CGT? That is an amazing triple bill for me - I'd go anywhere in the US to see you and if that isn't the way it's going to be here, I might have to hop a plane to the UK....IT wouldn't be the first time I went to England just to see a band!!!!! :)

Enchant rules!

And as usual, no Scandinavian dates. InsideOut can something. I can't be creative enough to describe it.
I'm sick and tired of Germany and Holland getting all the good stuff, but oh well. Didn't want to just post an all-out negative post because then people get upset for no reason so here goes: I'm looking forward to the new album at least.

It seems I really will have to move to another country. Bloody hell.
Where do I start here?

Wow? Tours are big time $$$$ and we are really happy to be in Europe at all! This line up and show will be incredible! I know I would travel to see it!

Hmmm well I really wish we were playing in Sweden or Scandanavia as well, but the record co must have a pretty good reason for not being able to go there? Think about it?

Record sales and the majority of the people attending shows are in Northern Europe I am sure? It does suck that we can not travel to more places but keep in mind it takes a great deal of people to make this worth it? So for now Hamburg is the closest to Scandanavia! I know I would make that trip even if I were not in the band to see this line up?

We would love to be able to travel all over the world but until the $$$ is there there is no way? We have amazing fans all over the world but in some places only a handful? thats not enough to make the trip? and thats not to say we don,t want to? It is just not possible?

On the US tour? We are still waiting to hear what is going to happen? I think it would only be Spocks and us though Mare, hey nice site by the way! and if you travel that far your in on us!

Although I think if we will be playing the East Coast and after that I just don,t know? it is all still up in the air? a lot has to do with the Spocks guys???

The discussion right now is should and can? we continue the tour after London back across the pond and back across the states to Cali or not? or is there a break etc? We ll pretty much have families and other obligations with work etc? everyone involed! so it is just not that easy? I do know people are working hard to make it all happen! Especially Inside Out! they are doing everything possible to make it the best tour possible!

We just don,t know yet? We have our fingers crossed we will be playing the states? I do know we will be playing the West Coast one way or another and of course locally here in No Cal! Dave I don,t know about Seattle? I would think that would be a good possibility? but I just don,t know yet?

Bottom line all, we just make the music and play it and give you guys 110% when we do! We have nothing to do with concert prices or tour schedules?

We are just really happy to have the opportunity to do this!

We are really exited about it all and more than ready to get out and play are asses off! and will!

No one will be disapointed!
I know it's not your fault, I never blamed you. Bands have no say in the matter and I know you're happy just to get the chance to play at all, because, as we all know, not everyone gets that chance. And it's a well-deserved tour for you. In fact, it's about damn time you get some recognition (again)! It was a while ago Enchant was out on the road, and I can but hope this will be a more frequent thing (if you like the life on the road that is, it's not for everyone).

Regarding bad sales in Scandinavia, I'm not so sure that's true... Of course, the Netherlands is the "prog" stronghold in terms of commerciality, but Germany? Hmm, possible. France? Doubtful.
Not saying they should be without, I just think InsideOut are making quite a mistake in ignoring Scandinavia altogether. After all, isn't one reason for tours to get more people to know the bands and boost record sales?

I just needed some place to vent my frustration...InsideOut has a great roster nowadays; the only bands of which I've been able to see are actually from Sweden, where I live, so...go figure. I'll probably never go to a Planet X or an Enchant show, as things look right now...and that sucks since I've been a "fan" since 1994 or 1995 or so, when I first heard ABotW.

I'll shut up now and go sulk in a corner instead. Have fun on the tour, both band and attendees. Buy lots of merchandise so the band gets some well-earned money.

Ah, maybe Allan Holdsworth will stop by this autumn, but I wouldn't count on's hoping he will.

I know the band has nothing to do with ticket prices and have little influence on where the tour brings them, especially when they have to cross an ocean for it. I was just surprised to see the difference in price, but couldn't care less after a few seconds.

I realize I am fortunate to live in Holland regarding prog concerts. (And a whole list of political issues which we're not going to discuss here!) Germany is good too, especially for the heavier prog stuff.

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing Kansas or Styx for once, but they don't come over at all. And in the early 1980s I remember wishing I was living in the UK, having missed all those early Pallas and all Twelfth Night concerts...

I am off to London to see Nektar in two weeks. Sometimes you have to travel, I'm afraid. Taedium Vitae, I am sure you will be able to find a place to stay with another Enchant fan if you go to Hamburg!

Taedium Vitae said:
And as usual, no Scandinavian dates. InsideOut can something.

I kinda understand your anger TV. Is there any possibility for IO to set something with IO' Swedish bands like Pain Of Salvation or The Flower Kings ? That would be awesome for you guys. And I'm sure the Enchantmen would be pretty excited to go down in Sweden…

I have to say we're very lucky here in Paris to have almost one gig each time… although Enchant didn't come in our beautiful country since 5 damn long years ! Come on guys we're ready to rock, so do we hope you are !