Tours In Australia/New Zealand region??


Nov 25, 2003
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im hoping really badly that opeth come back this way at some stage, i was soooo sad i couldnt afford to fly out to australia to see them live there cuz holy shit that setlist was gooood!, i hate being poor!, but i did get Lamentations, fucken awesome DVD!, reckon theyll be heading back to my area in the future, or should i book a plane ticket for the other side of the world :D?
Given they where said to of sold out some of the shows here, I think the chances are fairly good that they'll come back out to tour for the new album once its released. Not sure about NZ though.
Cutter said:
Given they where said to of sold out some of the shows here, I think the chances are fairly good that they'll come back out to tour for the new album once its released. Not sure about NZ though.

yeah its all good, i got a job after leaving school and now i have income so if they come back to aussie i can defaintely fly out and see them :D :grin:
Cutter said:
Given they where said to of sold out some of the shows here, I think the chances are fairly good that they'll come back out to tour for the new album once its released. Not sure about NZ though.

Yeah, I think that we can all count on Opeth to engage in another tour to Australia once the new album has been released and that they decide to start touring for it's promotion.
It would be awesome if they came to NZ, but probably would be auckland maybee wellington, in which case it would be better to go to aussie again.

Last tour was awesome I am so glad i spent the money to go.
yeah i doubt theyll come to nz, considering didnt they delay coming to australia because they couldnt afford to, if they came to nz i dont think they could draw a big enough crowd sadly to let them be able to play in nz, but fuck it us opeth faithful will fly to australia anyways so its all good, any other fans from christchurch here?....i cant find fucking morningrise anywhere...i last saw it in echo aaaages ago.
I got morningrise in echo downhere it was 2nd hand for 20 bucks

YOU BASTARD! that should have been mine!!...i was in dunedin at one stage...haha nah good score mate, maybe ill have to look to ebay or something next
They would draw a big crowd alright, all my mates love Opeth and I seen a lot of people in auckland with opeth shirts etc. i flew to aussie to see them in March but I hope they can afford to come to New Zealand next time as I am poor as hell after flying all the way over there to see them. It was FUCKING worth every cent though. Cant wait for the new album but I hope they come to NZ this time..
Benighted1 said:
i flew to aussie to see them in March but I hope they can afford to come to New Zealand next as I am poor as hell after flying all the way over there to see them. It was FUCKING worth every cent though
Did you fly to Melbourne? When i was at the airport on the monday after the shows, i saw some-one get on a flight to Auckland wearing an Opeth shirt and I always thought it was cool I wasnt the only Kiwi who flew over.