Tracked in Italy, mixed in Canada. Lots of "Fredman Technique" guitars...

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey gang, got another mix for ya.

I mixed this album in early '09, and wound up remixing it at the end of the year just for the fun of it....

The rundown: The record was tracked in Italy... not too sure of the process involved, but I can tell you, whoever recorded it was certainly not a headbanger!

I had to replace most of the drums with samples & made extensive use of the Slate library. Fortunately, I did get dry tracks, so I was able to reamp the bass & guitars.

If I had been involved in the tracking process, I would have pushed the bassist a lot harder & had him play much more aggressively. As it stands, there's almost no note definition as he babied the thing for fear of a "clanking tone."

Guitars were much better played, IMO. I got some pretty good dry tracks to work with. The signal chain was 5150/ENGL PRO/Dual 57s/api512c. The mics were arranged in an on/off axis "Fredman" array.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. Let me know what you think...

The name of the band is 'Krieg" and the song is "Dark Art"

Here's the link:
It's the first song on the hi-res player.
I like the tones on almost everything but if you're open to criticism I'd say the guitars are a bit thin, the vocals stick out and have slightly harsh highs. The cymbals dissappear here and there and the hi-hat is a lot louder than the rest. The drums and the OHs don't sound as part of one whole.
I always appreciate criticism!

Guitars were my favorite part of this mix. Drums... well, again, not my recording... I did what I could with what they gave me. As for the vox.... that was the band's request... they wanted a "slight distortion" on the vox & to have them forward in the mix.

Regardless, I'll be flying to Italy this summer to work on a new album with them. I'm really looking forward to working with the drummer from the get-go.
Should be a blast. I'll take lots of pictures.