Tracks up from demo i just finished for a band


Apr 30, 2006
Middlesex, England

check em out.
I'm real happy with how the demo came.
Drums are 100% natural, well 99% as i mixed in a kick sample i got off here (called best kick on earth) i tiny bit to give a little click.
Drumkit was some Yamaha kit, mics were d112 on kick, sennheiser e604's on toms and snare (strangely i liked how it sounded) and just sm58's on oh's and hats.
Guitars r 2 tracks of esp ltd mh400 - ts9 - 5150 - marshall cab with v30's - sm57.
Bass is my Spector Q5 straight into amplitube + rbass, they dont yet have bassist so this was just done real quick.
No vocals as they dont ahave a singer yet either.
Let me know what u folks think.

and any interested bass players or singers chuck them a mail.
Those guitars really need lowend.

OHs are a wee bit harsh

I like the snare and the kick, though the kick maybe needs a tiny bit more presence.
i kinda agree i'd personally have dialed in more bottom end and less mids on the amp but this is the tone he likes and uses so thats what i recorded.
Glad u guys dig the drums.
Yeah, digging that snare too - has some real body and some lovely natural ring which whilst being audible isn't overbearing. And you get the benefits of a slightly varied snare sound each hit which I always like (being a drummer meself!). Agree that the kick needs a little more snap to it, but it's a good raw sound.