

Aug 2, 2007
I was thinking recently, why doesn't someone make a multiband compressor that operates from a sidechained signal so it would pull back the frequencies of the track it is inserted on based on the frequency content of the sidechain input so you could, for example, insert it on a bass track with kick as sidechain but only the 60-80 of the bass would be ducked on the kick rather than the whole level of the bass.
Somebody has now done something very similar, apparently using a dynamic 32 band eq working off a sidechained signal. I am going to demo this and if it works like I hope it does, it will be a fantastic mixing tool.
Being able to duck only the mids on guitars when there are vocals will be fantastic or sidechain all midrange instruments to duck only the attack frequency of the snare etc.
Waves c6 can do it, but not all DAWS support this feature. I do it with the melda plugins, with the dyneq.
It is a dynamic eq and you can side chain the frecuency. So what i do is, send the kick to the bass track and tell the eq that every time the kick hits, it has to drop 4db in the specified frequency. I do the same with guitars and snares.
Works like a charm!!!! makes everything sit so much better!
i actually bought this the other day, i'm pretty interested to see how well it would handle high-gain guitars and orchestral sounds together. that's something where i always end up with either dull guitars or narrow, shitty sounding orchs.

also i heard it does bass/bassdrum really well, that's something i could use. maybe try it on vocals as well.