Interested send PMs.
Located in Europe.
1ª Vanguardia: vencimos y venceremos Mcd Lim 1000
Akitsa: aube de la misanthropie Double A5 Cd
Atman: psy atman + first album as bonus tracks 3€
Autopsy: mental funeral + 3 bonus DIGI CD '03 8€
Autopsy: macabre eternal DIGIBOOK 10€
Batallón de Castigo: s/t (first album)
Before God: under the blood banner DIGI CD '02 8€
Beherit: beast of beherit Orig. Spinefarm '99
Blacksstorm: 1011000 Pro-Cdr Lim 100
Blazemth: for centuries left behind Mcd Orig. A.E. '95
Blazemth: fatherland Mcd Orig. A.E. '96
Brumalis: furore normannorum 6€
Bustum: the return of hate DTB NEW 4€
Campo de Mayo/Permafrost split Cd 8€
Camulos: spiel des blutes 17€
Carpathian Forest: black shining leather 1st Press Embossed Digipack
Clandestine Blaze: night of the unholy flames 1st Press '00
Coldworld: the stars are dead now
Coldworld: melancholie
Dark Storm: four lucan emperors Orig. View Beyond '96
Darkthrone: a blaze in the n. sky Orig. '91 (black label)
Diaboli: anthems of sorrow 1st press Fullmoon '98
Dissection: storm of the light's bane Orig. NB '95
Drowning the Light: an aligment of dead stars DIE HARD Lim 200
Drowning the Light: the fading rays of the sun DIGI Mcd Lim 300
Drowning the Light/Evil: a reflection of the past/where the sun was never born
Ecclesia Satani: ns satan Pro-Cdr Lim 555 7€
Empire Falls: show of force 5€
Eternum: an ode to our fallen Lim 500 10€
Evil/S.A.R/Thallium: chaos to unleash... Lim 1000 9€
Flammentod: s/t DIGI Mcd Lim 100 NEW!
Flammentod/Kwelhekse DIGI Cd 12€
Fortress: into legend Res. '96
Gehenna: second spell 1st Press Cacophonous '95
Gestapo 666: nostalgiah
Goatmoon/Azazel: split cd
Gontyna Kry: blood of our forefathers Digipack (sealed) + poster + 3 stickers (x3) 7€
(or Die Hard with t-shirt size L. Both for 15€
Gontyna Kry: arystokracja ducha NEW
Gotmoor: vlaemsche premitieven ISO666 '00
Graveland: epilogue/in the glare... 1st Press No Colours
Graveland: in the glare of burning churches 1st Press No Colours
Graveland: blood of heroes DIGI Mcd 1st Press Lim 666
Grom: pagan war machine Mcd Vinland Winds/Hakenkreuz Lim 500
Grom/Wulfgravf: fullmoon warfare NEW
Hate Forest: purity 1st Press Supernal
Hate Forest: sorrow 1st Press Supernal
Heretic: black metal holocaust 1st press Berzerker Lim 500
Horna: h. mailla 1st Press Solistitium
Horna/Behexen: split cd 1st press Autistiartili
Immortal: pure holocaust Orig. Osmose '93
Inferi (ndl): s/t Mcd Black Arts '95
Judas Iscariot: distant in solitary night Moribund '98
Judas Iscariot: to embrace the corpses bleeding RS '02
Katharsis: 666 1st Press
Ledung: loyalty (Midgaard)
Legado: valores perdidos 5€
Lucifugum: on hooks to pieces! (inc. video for pc) 4€
Lucifugum: instinct prevelance
Maniac Butcher: lucan antikrist 1st press Pussy God
Mayhem: deathcrush Mcd 1st Press DSP '93 (No Barcode) DURECO matrix
Moonblood: für den sieg (inc. video)
Moontower: in the shadow of the wolf Mcd THR '03 7€
Mortiis: crypt of the wizard 1st Press DDM
Mundzuk: unholy forces Demo Pro-CDr 1st press Lim 200
Mütiilation: vampires... Tragic Empire press
Mütiilation: remains... Dark Adversary
Nachtfalke: doomed to die
Nachtfalke: hail victory teutonia (inc. 1st mlp)
Necrofeast: soulwinds Drama & Sin '00
Necrofrost: bloodstorms voktes...1st Press Granskog
Neptune Towers: caravans to empire algol Orig. Moonfog
No Alibi: wickedness of mankind (inc. video) 7€
Nocturnal Fear: fog of war 5€
Nokturnal Mortum: to the gates of blasphemous fire 1st Press Rad.
Nokturnal Mortum: nechrist 1st press Last Episode 2000
Nokturnal Mortum: the taste of victory DVD BOX 1st Press Oriana '03
Ouroboros: spear of destiny
Primitive Supremacy: melody and madness 5€
Puissance: back in control DIGI CD 1st Press CMI '97
Puissance: mother of disease 1st Press Fluttering Dragon '99
Purest: renascence DTB 6€
Race Riot: downfall of your infected world Mcd 5€
Ragnarok: nattferd Orig. (no barcode) HNF
Ravenbanner: and the ravens sing our glorious past Lim 1000 NEW 5€
Retaguardia: la voz del silencio 7€
Rienzi: tolerancia zero 6€
Saltus: imperium slonca 5€
Salut: tomorrow belongs to us! 5€
Samael: worship him Orig. Osmose/SPV '91
Satanic Warmaster/Gestapo 666: split cd
Severe Storm: follow the paths of darkness... DTB NEW! 5€
Sieghetnar: kältetod
Spear of Longinus: nothing is forever...
Sunwheel: monuments of the elder faith Mcd NEW 5€
Swirling Sunwheels: the strong shall prevail 1st Press Autis. Lim 500
Szron/Kriegsmaschine: split cd Garazel '06
Therion: theli 1st press '96
The 3rd and the Mortal: painting on glass 1st Press V.O.W.
The true Beltez: beltane Lim 500
Tormenta: el fin de los tiempos 5€
Tormenta: cuando parten los elegidos 10€
Ulver: bergtatt Old Press HNF
Usva/Draco: re-desecrating the soth carelian graves (Pre-Goatmoon)
Vaginal Jesus: affirmative apartheid SSP
Vaginal Jesus/Ethnic Cleansing: pissing... (inc. stuff for pc)
Vargr: wehrmacht satanas NEW
White Wash/Operation Racewar: the texas oi-core massacre!
VINYL: Cover/Vinyl
Absu: barathrum:v.i.t.r.i.o.l. 3xLP BOX SET Col. vinyls Lim 300 MINT
Absurd: die legende lebt! 7" VW NM/NM
Ad Hominem: for a new world Lp Lim 500 VG++/NM
Akitsa: sang nordique Lp VG++/NM
Akitsa/Satanic Warmaster 7" Clear vinyl Lim 100 M/M
Angst Skvadron: flukt Lp Die Hard splatter wax Lim 100 NM/NM
Armatus/Vargr 7" Lim 333 M/M
Autopsy: severed survival Pic Lp 1990 M 35€
Balmog: necroangels revelation Mlp Lim 333 NM/NM 7€
Bathory: in memory of Quorthon VINYL BOX SET MINT
Beherit: engram LP Red vinyl NM/NM
Beherit/Archgoat: down there/jesus spawn LP purple splatter Lim 500 NM/NM
Behexen/Satanic Warmaster PIC 10" with cover and insert M/M
Carcass: demos 86/87 Lp Red vinyl VG+/NM
Clandestine Blaze: falling monuments Lp NM/NM
Cryogenic/Dies Ater: split Lp Lim 300 VG++/NM 12€
Dark Ages: twilight of europe Lp 1st press Lim 350 NM/NM
Darkmoon Warrior: in fundis inferiorum Lp Lim 500 NM/NM 7€
Darkthrone: demos Lp Black witchery bootleg NM/NM 25€
Death: leprosy LP 1st press UOF 1988 G/VG+
Deathsquadron: black guard of war 7" Lim 500 M/M 8€
Deathspell Omega: kenose Lp + booklet 1st press NM/NM
Der Stürmer: iron will & discipline 7" M/NM
División 250: revuelta Lp NM/NM
División 250: imperivm Lp NM/NM
División 250: sangre de conquistadores LP R. Européens '94 NM/NM
Drowning the Light: vampyric winter 7" NM/NM
Drowning the Light: of celtic blood and satanic pride Pic Lp Lim 188 M
Drowning the Light: a pact with madness Lp splatter wax + metal pin Lim 222 NM/NM
Drowning the Light: the masters empire LP Lim 300 NM/NM
Drowning the Light: the serpents reign PIC LP NM/NM
Drowning the Light: to the end of time LP Grey vinyl NM/VG+
Drowning the Light: flames of sacrifice 10" + poster Red splatter vinyl M/M
Drowning the Light: the weeping moon 10" M/M
Drowning the Light: the fading rays of the sun 10" Purple vinyl Lim 150 M/M
Drowning the Light: the blood of the ancients LP NM/NM 10€
Drowning the Light: 06/06/06 it begins here 7" Gold vinyl M/M
Drowning the Light/Circle of Ouroborus: moonflares LP yellow/red haze vinyl Lim 100 M/NM
Drowning the Light/Acherontas 7" Multicolour splatter vinyl M/M
Drowning the Light/Eternum 7" Red vinyl + 2 Patches Lim 200 M/M
Drowning the Light/Nihasa/Possession Ritual 10" Yellow splatter vinyl Lim 100 M/M
Eternity/Wolfsmond 7" Sombre VG+/NM
Fornost: der wind hat mir... LP White vinyl (Promo) NM/NM
Fornost/Vargulf 7" VG+/VG+
Funeral Winds: thy eternal flame 7" VG/VG
Gehenna: ancestor of the darkly sky 7" Promo VG+/VG+
Gehenna: malice 3LP Set Col. vinyls + Poster Lim 300 VG+/M/M/M
Goatmoon/X. Ejaculation 7" M/M
Goatmoon/B.U. 7" M/M
Goatpenis: inhumanization LP Lim 500 NM/NM
Goatpenis/Deathsquadron 7" NM/NM 8€
Gorgoroth: a sorcery written in blood 7" bootleg VG/NM 7€
Grand Belial's Key: kosherat DLP 1st Press NM/NM/NM
Graveland: necromanteion + promo '92 DLP White vinyls NEW!
Graveland: dawn of iron blades LP NM/NM
Hades: again shall be/alone walking DLP Col. vinyls NM/NM/NM
Hated & Proud: can't hold us back 7" Brown wax NM/NM
Horna: sudentaival Lp Sombre Lim 350 NM/NM
Horna: perimä vihassa ja verikostosa LP + poster Lim 300 NM/NM
Horna: ääniä yössä LP NM/NM
Horna/Sacrificia Mortuorum: split Lp NM/NM
Horna: talismaani Pic 7" NM
Horna/Tenebrae in Perpetuum 7" NM/NM
Immortal: pure holocaust LP 1st press 1993 VG/VG+
Immortal: call of the wintermoon 7" bootleg VG+/NM 9€
Impurity: guest of the infernal pit Pic 7" inc. cover M/M 7€
Irreverent: blasphemous c. profanation LP + 7" SSP NM/NM (ep Mint)
Judas Iscariot: of great eternity LP G/VG+ (ASK FOR PICS)
Maniac Butcher: invaze LP Sombre Lim 100 VG++/NM
Maniac Butcher: barbarians LP Mutilation press Lim 300 NM/NM
Maniac Butcher/Inferno split LP Sombre Lim 350 VG+/NM
Mayhem/Morbid: a tribute to the black emperors PIC LP M
Morbid Angel: altars of madness PIC LP Earache 2006 inc. 1 bonus track M
Mütiilation: destroy your life for satan LP Red vinyl VG/NM
Mütiilation: 1992-2002 DLP + Poster EAL VG+/NM/NM
Mütiilation: vampires... DLP Drakkar M/M/M
Mütiilation: remains... LP Drakkar M/M
Nachtfalke: s/t MLP Clear vinyl Lim 333 NM/NM
Nachtmystium: reign of the malicious Pic Lp inc. miniposter NM
Nargaroth: herbstleyd DLP + 2 inserts 1st press Lim 500 NM/NM/NM
Nargaroth: amarok LP 1st Press VG/NM
Nargaroth: fuck off nowadays black metal PIC LP Lim 333 M
Nargaroth: black metal ist krieg 2lp (1piclp) 1st press NM/NM/NM
Nargaroth: crushing some belgian scum Mlp + poster NM/NM 18€
Nargaroth: prosatanica shooting angels LP 1st press with 4 page insert
Nunslaughter: trifurcate 7" 1st press Warlord NM/NM
Obituary: cause of death Lp 1st press 1990 VG/VG+
Obituary: the end complete Pic Lp 1992 VG++
Obtained Enslavement: centuries of sorrow 2LP + Poster Clear vinyls Lim 300 M/M/M
Odal/Surturs Lohe 7" NM/NM 10€
Old Wainds: where the snows are never gone LP 1st press Lim 333 NM/NM
Pogrom: suicide worship 7" Sombre NM/NM
Ride for Revenge: king of the snakes Lp + Poster M/M
Samael: into the infernal storm of evil 2Lp white vinyls #01/250 NM/M/M
Satanic Warmaster: black katharsis MLP NM/NM
Satanic Warmaster: revelation MLP Blue vinyl NM/NM
Satanic Warmaster: black metal kommando PIC LP w/cover NM/NM
Satanic Warmaster: nachzehrer LP 1st Press NM/NM
Shining: I withing deep dark chambers PIC LP w/cover VG+/VG+
Spire: s/t LP black/white haze vinyl + 1 bonus track M/M
Slaughtered Priest: eternal goat reign Lp Lim 110 M/M
Spear of Longinus: tyons Lp 1st press Lim 888 NM/NM
Torrent: between the stones MLP Lim 666 G+/NM 5€
Uncreation's Dawn: uncelestial 7" NM/NM
Uncreation's Dawn: deathmarch over gods kingdom LP NM/NM
Vlad Tepes: return.../winter reh. 2x7" Lim 275 M/M/M
Watain: casus luciferi Lp + booklet VG++/NM
Weltmacht: the call to battle LP NM/NM
Weltmacht: and to every beast its prey LP VG+/NM
Whitesnake: 1987 Lp Orig. Emi '87 NM/NM 7€
Winterblut: the pest of... Lp Lim 500 NM/NM
Woods of Desolation: sorh LP Amber vinyl Lim 250 M/M
Woodtemple: feel the anger of the wind LP Lim 666 NM/NM 14€
Xasthur: suicide in dark serenity Mlp DIE HARD (blue wax, patch, sticker, button, inserts) Lim 100 NM/NM
Armatus: satanist NEW!
Blasphemous Evil: priest sodomy
Carcharoth: my father was a wolf 2€
Circle of Ouroborus: shores Lim 500
Clandestine Blaze: below the surface of cold earth Original NH
Diamond Eyed Princess/Infect: united to conquer Aura Mystique
Funeral Winds (Usa): demo #1 Lim 50
Godless North: dark rites of the mystic order 1st Press selfreleased
Graveland: epilogue Orig. W. Hour
Graveland: in the glare of burning churches Orig. W. Hour
Graveland: the celtic winter 1st Press Melissa '94
Holocaust (Ger): promo 1.666 a.y.p.s.
Luftwaffe Raid: empire 3€
Moontower: the wolf's hunger (Daimonion Prod.)
Myrkvid/Unterwald: split demo Lim 200
Necrofeast: wederker der heidenen Tape '98
Necrofeast: promo '98
Perunwit: wszystkie odcienie szarości Nawia/Eastclan
Satanic Warmaster: bloody ritual 1st Press Black Order
Skuld/Eskanecabre: swastyklan t. Demo Reh.
SVEST: scarification of soul Orig. (red cover) handnumbered
Thunderbolt: black clouds over dark majesty
Totenreich: peststurm Demo (Pre-GRAVEN!)
Triskelon: vrede Pagan Folk '99 3€
VV/AA: stronger than before Double Tape (NSBM) Combat Rec.
Venedae/Grom: pod znakiem ognia / Сын Старого Леса
Winterblut: promo '98
Winterfrost: worship the blood of the pagan supremacy 4€
Winter Funeral: filled with despair...sathanas
Goatmoon Streetwear Shirt size M NEW! 25€
Gontyna Kry: blood of our fathers Size L 1 sided + sleeves NEW! 7€
Drowning the Light: an alignment of... Size M 2 sided NEW! 8€
Wotan mit uns! Size M 1 sided silver print (2nd Hand) 8€
Resistance wear Size L 2 sided "Red t-shirt" NEW! 5€
Der Stürmer: Europa. Hooded S.S. (Brown) 2 sided print. Size M. NEW!
PATCH: 3€ each
MAYHEM "band logo"
OHTAR "necrohate"
THOR'S HAMMER "band logo"
* = Priority!
*White Wolves Kommando ALL
*Absurd: totenlieder LP / Pic Lp***
Absurd: asgardsrei LP SSP press
Absurd: grim. volksmusik MLP / PIC MLP
*Absurd: thuringian pagan madness 7"
Absurd: raubritter 7" / PIC 7"
Antisemitex: nebelwerfer TAPE
Armatus: etenal flame of hate CD
Aryan Blood/Eisenwinter A5 CD
Bilskirnir: for the return of paganism 7"
Bilskirnir: weltenbrand 7"
Bilskirnir/Nordreich 7"
Blood Axis: born again DLP
Blood Axis: blot DLP
Blood Axis: the gospel of inhumanity LP / BOX SET
Wolfenhords: wpftwp, fight! CD
*Darkthule: beyond the endless horizons CD battlefield press
Stuthoff: towards thy astral path CD battlefield press
Stuthoff: and cosmos from ashes to dust CD battlefield press
Veles: the triumph of pagan beliefs TAPE Dead christ communne
Goatmoon: finnish steel storm CD repress too
Graveland: carpathian wolves CD eternal devils only
*Graveland: following the voice of blood DLP
*Graveland: drunemeton CD / LP
Mudoven: truth & tragedy LP
Mudoven: aryan vs. alien 7"
Nitberg: nagelreid CD
*Nitberg/Volkoten: hammerhärte CD
*Der Stürmer: the blood calls for w.a.r. CD / TAPE Wolftower
Der Stürmer/War 88 7"
Der Stürmer/Arghoslent/Mudoven 7"
*Wehrhammer/Armatus/Mors Atra LP
*Mors Atra: s/t PIC LP
Wehrhammer: das ende naht PIC LP
Vaginal Jesus: beat rodney down 7"
Code of Violence: purge CD Hate Records press
*Stahlgewitter: politischer soldat LP / PIC LP
*Stahlgewitter: das eiserne gebet LP
Stahlgewitter: auftrag d. reich DLP
*Iron Youth: durch das volk... LP
*Iron Youth PIC LP BOX SET
The Shadow Order: raise the banners CD Autist. press only / LP (only the cover sleeve)
The Shadow Order/Grom CD
Legion of Doom: the horned made flesh LP Legion 88 press
*Estirpe Imperial: first 12" Mlp (4 tracks) 1993
*Estirpe Imperial: herederos de una historia CD
*Estirpe Imperial: morir o vencer 7"
Abyssic Hate: eternal damnation Mcd DTB
Abyssic Hate: a decade of hate DLP
Bannerwar: chronicles of pagan steel 7"
Nachtkult: für immer krieg 7"
Pantheon: s/t 7"
*Heathen Hammer kindship destiny CD
*Velimor: our world CD
*División 250: sangre de conquistadores CD
*Klan: hordas celtíberas LP
*Batallón de Castigo: pasos de muerte 7"
No Alibi: wickedness of mankind LP Rock O Rama
Bound for Glory: over the top LP
Bound for Glory: when the hammer falls LP
Bound for Glory: last act of defiance LP
Rahowa: cult of the holy war LP
Interested send PMs.
Located in Europe.
1ª Vanguardia: vencimos y venceremos Mcd Lim 1000
Akitsa: aube de la misanthropie Double A5 Cd
Atman: psy atman + first album as bonus tracks 3€
Autopsy: mental funeral + 3 bonus DIGI CD '03 8€
Autopsy: macabre eternal DIGIBOOK 10€
Batallón de Castigo: s/t (first album)
Before God: under the blood banner DIGI CD '02 8€
Beherit: beast of beherit Orig. Spinefarm '99
Blacksstorm: 1011000 Pro-Cdr Lim 100
Blazemth: for centuries left behind Mcd Orig. A.E. '95
Blazemth: fatherland Mcd Orig. A.E. '96
Brumalis: furore normannorum 6€
Bustum: the return of hate DTB NEW 4€
Campo de Mayo/Permafrost split Cd 8€
Camulos: spiel des blutes 17€
Carpathian Forest: black shining leather 1st Press Embossed Digipack
Clandestine Blaze: night of the unholy flames 1st Press '00
Coldworld: the stars are dead now
Coldworld: melancholie
Dark Storm: four lucan emperors Orig. View Beyond '96
Darkthrone: a blaze in the n. sky Orig. '91 (black label)
Diaboli: anthems of sorrow 1st press Fullmoon '98
Dissection: storm of the light's bane Orig. NB '95
Drowning the Light: an aligment of dead stars DIE HARD Lim 200
Drowning the Light: the fading rays of the sun DIGI Mcd Lim 300
Drowning the Light/Evil: a reflection of the past/where the sun was never born
Ecclesia Satani: ns satan Pro-Cdr Lim 555 7€
Empire Falls: show of force 5€
Eternum: an ode to our fallen Lim 500 10€
Evil/S.A.R/Thallium: chaos to unleash... Lim 1000 9€
Flammentod: s/t DIGI Mcd Lim 100 NEW!
Flammentod/Kwelhekse DIGI Cd 12€
Fortress: into legend Res. '96
Gehenna: second spell 1st Press Cacophonous '95
Gestapo 666: nostalgiah
Goatmoon/Azazel: split cd
Gontyna Kry: blood of our forefathers Digipack (sealed) + poster + 3 stickers (x3) 7€
(or Die Hard with t-shirt size L. Both for 15€

Gontyna Kry: arystokracja ducha NEW
Gotmoor: vlaemsche premitieven ISO666 '00
Graveland: epilogue/in the glare... 1st Press No Colours
Graveland: in the glare of burning churches 1st Press No Colours
Graveland: blood of heroes DIGI Mcd 1st Press Lim 666
Grom: pagan war machine Mcd Vinland Winds/Hakenkreuz Lim 500
Grom/Wulfgravf: fullmoon warfare NEW
Hate Forest: purity 1st Press Supernal
Hate Forest: sorrow 1st Press Supernal
Heretic: black metal holocaust 1st press Berzerker Lim 500
Horna: h. mailla 1st Press Solistitium
Horna/Behexen: split cd 1st press Autistiartili
Immortal: pure holocaust Orig. Osmose '93
Inferi (ndl): s/t Mcd Black Arts '95
Judas Iscariot: distant in solitary night Moribund '98
Judas Iscariot: to embrace the corpses bleeding RS '02
Katharsis: 666 1st Press
Ledung: loyalty (Midgaard)
Legado: valores perdidos 5€
Lucifugum: on hooks to pieces! (inc. video for pc) 4€
Lucifugum: instinct prevelance
Maniac Butcher: lucan antikrist 1st press Pussy God
Mayhem: deathcrush Mcd 1st Press DSP '93 (No Barcode) DURECO matrix
Moonblood: für den sieg (inc. video)
Moontower: in the shadow of the wolf Mcd THR '03 7€
Mortiis: crypt of the wizard 1st Press DDM
Mundzuk: unholy forces Demo Pro-CDr 1st press Lim 200
Mütiilation: vampires... Tragic Empire press
Mütiilation: remains... Dark Adversary
Nachtfalke: doomed to die
Nachtfalke: hail victory teutonia (inc. 1st mlp)
Necrofeast: soulwinds Drama & Sin '00
Necrofrost: bloodstorms voktes...1st Press Granskog
Neptune Towers: caravans to empire algol Orig. Moonfog
No Alibi: wickedness of mankind (inc. video) 7€
Nocturnal Fear: fog of war 5€
Nokturnal Mortum: to the gates of blasphemous fire 1st Press Rad.
Nokturnal Mortum: nechrist 1st press Last Episode 2000
Nokturnal Mortum: the taste of victory DVD BOX 1st Press Oriana '03
Ouroboros: spear of destiny
Primitive Supremacy: melody and madness 5€
Puissance: back in control DIGI CD 1st Press CMI '97
Puissance: mother of disease 1st Press Fluttering Dragon '99
Purest: renascence DTB 6€
Race Riot: downfall of your infected world Mcd 5€
Ragnarok: nattferd Orig. (no barcode) HNF
Ravenbanner: and the ravens sing our glorious past Lim 1000 NEW 5€
Retaguardia: la voz del silencio 7€
Rienzi: tolerancia zero 6€
Saltus: imperium slonca 5€
Salut: tomorrow belongs to us! 5€
Samael: worship him Orig. Osmose/SPV '91
Satanic Warmaster/Gestapo 666: split cd
Severe Storm: follow the paths of darkness... DTB NEW! 5€
Sieghetnar: kältetod
Spear of Longinus: nothing is forever...
Sunwheel: monuments of the elder faith Mcd NEW 5€
Swirling Sunwheels: the strong shall prevail 1st Press Autis. Lim 500
Szron/Kriegsmaschine: split cd Garazel '06
Therion: theli 1st press '96
The 3rd and the Mortal: painting on glass 1st Press V.O.W.
The true Beltez: beltane Lim 500
Tormenta: el fin de los tiempos 5€
Tormenta: cuando parten los elegidos 10€
Ulver: bergtatt Old Press HNF
Usva/Draco: re-desecrating the soth carelian graves (Pre-Goatmoon)
Vaginal Jesus: affirmative apartheid SSP
Vaginal Jesus/Ethnic Cleansing: pissing... (inc. stuff for pc)
Vargr: wehrmacht satanas NEW
White Wash/Operation Racewar: the texas oi-core massacre!
VINYL: Cover/Vinyl
Absu: barathrum:v.i.t.r.i.o.l. 3xLP BOX SET Col. vinyls Lim 300 MINT
Absurd: die legende lebt! 7" VW NM/NM
Ad Hominem: for a new world Lp Lim 500 VG++/NM
Akitsa: sang nordique Lp VG++/NM
Akitsa/Satanic Warmaster 7" Clear vinyl Lim 100 M/M
Angst Skvadron: flukt Lp Die Hard splatter wax Lim 100 NM/NM
Armatus/Vargr 7" Lim 333 M/M
Autopsy: severed survival Pic Lp 1990 M 35€
Balmog: necroangels revelation Mlp Lim 333 NM/NM 7€
Bathory: in memory of Quorthon VINYL BOX SET MINT
Beherit: engram LP Red vinyl NM/NM
Beherit/Archgoat: down there/jesus spawn LP purple splatter Lim 500 NM/NM
Behexen/Satanic Warmaster PIC 10" with cover and insert M/M
Carcass: demos 86/87 Lp Red vinyl VG+/NM
Clandestine Blaze: falling monuments Lp NM/NM
Cryogenic/Dies Ater: split Lp Lim 300 VG++/NM 12€
Dark Ages: twilight of europe Lp 1st press Lim 350 NM/NM
Darkmoon Warrior: in fundis inferiorum Lp Lim 500 NM/NM 7€
Darkthrone: demos Lp Black witchery bootleg NM/NM 25€
Death: leprosy LP 1st press UOF 1988 G/VG+
Deathsquadron: black guard of war 7" Lim 500 M/M 8€
Deathspell Omega: kenose Lp + booklet 1st press NM/NM
Der Stürmer: iron will & discipline 7" M/NM
División 250: revuelta Lp NM/NM
División 250: imperivm Lp NM/NM
División 250: sangre de conquistadores LP R. Européens '94 NM/NM
Drowning the Light: vampyric winter 7" NM/NM
Drowning the Light: of celtic blood and satanic pride Pic Lp Lim 188 M
Drowning the Light: a pact with madness Lp splatter wax + metal pin Lim 222 NM/NM
Drowning the Light: the masters empire LP Lim 300 NM/NM
Drowning the Light: the serpents reign PIC LP NM/NM
Drowning the Light: to the end of time LP Grey vinyl NM/VG+
Drowning the Light: flames of sacrifice 10" + poster Red splatter vinyl M/M
Drowning the Light: the weeping moon 10" M/M
Drowning the Light: the fading rays of the sun 10" Purple vinyl Lim 150 M/M
Drowning the Light: the blood of the ancients LP NM/NM 10€
Drowning the Light: 06/06/06 it begins here 7" Gold vinyl M/M
Drowning the Light/Circle of Ouroborus: moonflares LP yellow/red haze vinyl Lim 100 M/NM
Drowning the Light/Acherontas 7" Multicolour splatter vinyl M/M
Drowning the Light/Eternum 7" Red vinyl + 2 Patches Lim 200 M/M
Drowning the Light/Nihasa/Possession Ritual 10" Yellow splatter vinyl Lim 100 M/M
Eternity/Wolfsmond 7" Sombre VG+/NM
Fornost: der wind hat mir... LP White vinyl (Promo) NM/NM
Fornost/Vargulf 7" VG+/VG+
Funeral Winds: thy eternal flame 7" VG/VG
Gehenna: ancestor of the darkly sky 7" Promo VG+/VG+
Gehenna: malice 3LP Set Col. vinyls + Poster Lim 300 VG+/M/M/M
Goatmoon/X. Ejaculation 7" M/M
Goatmoon/B.U. 7" M/M
Goatpenis: inhumanization LP Lim 500 NM/NM
Goatpenis/Deathsquadron 7" NM/NM 8€
Gorgoroth: a sorcery written in blood 7" bootleg VG/NM 7€
Grand Belial's Key: kosherat DLP 1st Press NM/NM/NM
Graveland: necromanteion + promo '92 DLP White vinyls NEW!
Graveland: dawn of iron blades LP NM/NM
Hades: again shall be/alone walking DLP Col. vinyls NM/NM/NM
Hated & Proud: can't hold us back 7" Brown wax NM/NM
Horna: sudentaival Lp Sombre Lim 350 NM/NM
Horna: perimä vihassa ja verikostosa LP + poster Lim 300 NM/NM
Horna: ääniä yössä LP NM/NM
Horna/Sacrificia Mortuorum: split Lp NM/NM
Horna: talismaani Pic 7" NM
Horna/Tenebrae in Perpetuum 7" NM/NM
Immortal: pure holocaust LP 1st press 1993 VG/VG+
Immortal: call of the wintermoon 7" bootleg VG+/NM 9€
Impurity: guest of the infernal pit Pic 7" inc. cover M/M 7€
Irreverent: blasphemous c. profanation LP + 7" SSP NM/NM (ep Mint)
Judas Iscariot: of great eternity LP G/VG+ (ASK FOR PICS)
Maniac Butcher: invaze LP Sombre Lim 100 VG++/NM
Maniac Butcher: barbarians LP Mutilation press Lim 300 NM/NM
Maniac Butcher/Inferno split LP Sombre Lim 350 VG+/NM
Mayhem/Morbid: a tribute to the black emperors PIC LP M
Morbid Angel: altars of madness PIC LP Earache 2006 inc. 1 bonus track M
Mütiilation: destroy your life for satan LP Red vinyl VG/NM
Mütiilation: 1992-2002 DLP + Poster EAL VG+/NM/NM
Mütiilation: vampires... DLP Drakkar M/M/M
Mütiilation: remains... LP Drakkar M/M
Nachtfalke: s/t MLP Clear vinyl Lim 333 NM/NM
Nachtmystium: reign of the malicious Pic Lp inc. miniposter NM
Nargaroth: herbstleyd DLP + 2 inserts 1st press Lim 500 NM/NM/NM
Nargaroth: amarok LP 1st Press VG/NM
Nargaroth: fuck off nowadays black metal PIC LP Lim 333 M
Nargaroth: black metal ist krieg 2lp (1piclp) 1st press NM/NM/NM
Nargaroth: crushing some belgian scum Mlp + poster NM/NM 18€
Nargaroth: prosatanica shooting angels LP 1st press with 4 page insert
Nunslaughter: trifurcate 7" 1st press Warlord NM/NM
Obituary: cause of death Lp 1st press 1990 VG/VG+
Obituary: the end complete Pic Lp 1992 VG++
Obtained Enslavement: centuries of sorrow 2LP + Poster Clear vinyls Lim 300 M/M/M
Odal/Surturs Lohe 7" NM/NM 10€
Old Wainds: where the snows are never gone LP 1st press Lim 333 NM/NM
Pogrom: suicide worship 7" Sombre NM/NM
Ride for Revenge: king of the snakes Lp + Poster M/M
Samael: into the infernal storm of evil 2Lp white vinyls #01/250 NM/M/M
Satanic Warmaster: black katharsis MLP NM/NM
Satanic Warmaster: revelation MLP Blue vinyl NM/NM
Satanic Warmaster: black metal kommando PIC LP w/cover NM/NM
Satanic Warmaster: nachzehrer LP 1st Press NM/NM
Shining: I withing deep dark chambers PIC LP w/cover VG+/VG+
Spire: s/t LP black/white haze vinyl + 1 bonus track M/M
Slaughtered Priest: eternal goat reign Lp Lim 110 M/M
Spear of Longinus: tyons Lp 1st press Lim 888 NM/NM
Torrent: between the stones MLP Lim 666 G+/NM 5€
Uncreation's Dawn: uncelestial 7" NM/NM
Uncreation's Dawn: deathmarch over gods kingdom LP NM/NM
Vlad Tepes: return.../winter reh. 2x7" Lim 275 M/M/M
Watain: casus luciferi Lp + booklet VG++/NM
Weltmacht: the call to battle LP NM/NM
Weltmacht: and to every beast its prey LP VG+/NM
Whitesnake: 1987 Lp Orig. Emi '87 NM/NM 7€
Winterblut: the pest of... Lp Lim 500 NM/NM
Woods of Desolation: sorh LP Amber vinyl Lim 250 M/M
Woodtemple: feel the anger of the wind LP Lim 666 NM/NM 14€
Xasthur: suicide in dark serenity Mlp DIE HARD (blue wax, patch, sticker, button, inserts) Lim 100 NM/NM
Armatus: satanist NEW!
Blasphemous Evil: priest sodomy
Carcharoth: my father was a wolf 2€
Circle of Ouroborus: shores Lim 500
Clandestine Blaze: below the surface of cold earth Original NH
Diamond Eyed Princess/Infect: united to conquer Aura Mystique
Funeral Winds (Usa): demo #1 Lim 50
Godless North: dark rites of the mystic order 1st Press selfreleased
Graveland: epilogue Orig. W. Hour
Graveland: in the glare of burning churches Orig. W. Hour
Graveland: the celtic winter 1st Press Melissa '94
Holocaust (Ger): promo 1.666 a.y.p.s.
Luftwaffe Raid: empire 3€
Moontower: the wolf's hunger (Daimonion Prod.)
Myrkvid/Unterwald: split demo Lim 200
Necrofeast: wederker der heidenen Tape '98
Necrofeast: promo '98
Perunwit: wszystkie odcienie szarości Nawia/Eastclan
Satanic Warmaster: bloody ritual 1st Press Black Order
Skuld/Eskanecabre: swastyklan t. Demo Reh.
SVEST: scarification of soul Orig. (red cover) handnumbered
Thunderbolt: black clouds over dark majesty
Totenreich: peststurm Demo (Pre-GRAVEN!)
Triskelon: vrede Pagan Folk '99 3€
VV/AA: stronger than before Double Tape (NSBM) Combat Rec.
Venedae/Grom: pod znakiem ognia / Сын Старого Леса
Winterblut: promo '98
Winterfrost: worship the blood of the pagan supremacy 4€
Winter Funeral: filled with despair...sathanas
Goatmoon Streetwear Shirt size M NEW! 25€
Gontyna Kry: blood of our fathers Size L 1 sided + sleeves NEW! 7€
Drowning the Light: an alignment of... Size M 2 sided NEW! 8€
Wotan mit uns! Size M 1 sided silver print (2nd Hand) 8€
Resistance wear Size L 2 sided "Red t-shirt" NEW! 5€
Der Stürmer: Europa. Hooded S.S. (Brown) 2 sided print. Size M. NEW!
PATCH: 3€ each
MAYHEM "band logo"
OHTAR "necrohate"
THOR'S HAMMER "band logo"
* = Priority!
*White Wolves Kommando ALL
*Absurd: totenlieder LP / Pic Lp***
Absurd: asgardsrei LP SSP press
Absurd: grim. volksmusik MLP / PIC MLP
*Absurd: thuringian pagan madness 7"
Absurd: raubritter 7" / PIC 7"
Antisemitex: nebelwerfer TAPE
Armatus: etenal flame of hate CD
Aryan Blood/Eisenwinter A5 CD
Bilskirnir: for the return of paganism 7"
Bilskirnir: weltenbrand 7"
Bilskirnir/Nordreich 7"
Blood Axis: born again DLP
Blood Axis: blot DLP
Blood Axis: the gospel of inhumanity LP / BOX SET
Wolfenhords: wpftwp, fight! CD
*Darkthule: beyond the endless horizons CD battlefield press
Stuthoff: towards thy astral path CD battlefield press
Stuthoff: and cosmos from ashes to dust CD battlefield press
Veles: the triumph of pagan beliefs TAPE Dead christ communne
Goatmoon: finnish steel storm CD repress too
Graveland: carpathian wolves CD eternal devils only
*Graveland: following the voice of blood DLP
*Graveland: drunemeton CD / LP
Mudoven: truth & tragedy LP
Mudoven: aryan vs. alien 7"
Nitberg: nagelreid CD
*Nitberg/Volkoten: hammerhärte CD
*Der Stürmer: the blood calls for w.a.r. CD / TAPE Wolftower
Der Stürmer/War 88 7"
Der Stürmer/Arghoslent/Mudoven 7"
*Wehrhammer/Armatus/Mors Atra LP
*Mors Atra: s/t PIC LP
Wehrhammer: das ende naht PIC LP
Vaginal Jesus: beat rodney down 7"
Code of Violence: purge CD Hate Records press
*Stahlgewitter: politischer soldat LP / PIC LP
*Stahlgewitter: das eiserne gebet LP
Stahlgewitter: auftrag d. reich DLP
*Iron Youth: durch das volk... LP
*Iron Youth PIC LP BOX SET
The Shadow Order: raise the banners CD Autist. press only / LP (only the cover sleeve)
The Shadow Order/Grom CD
Legion of Doom: the horned made flesh LP Legion 88 press
*Estirpe Imperial: first 12" Mlp (4 tracks) 1993
*Estirpe Imperial: herederos de una historia CD
*Estirpe Imperial: morir o vencer 7"
Abyssic Hate: eternal damnation Mcd DTB
Abyssic Hate: a decade of hate DLP
Bannerwar: chronicles of pagan steel 7"
Nachtkult: für immer krieg 7"
Pantheon: s/t 7"
*Heathen Hammer kindship destiny CD
*Velimor: our world CD
*División 250: sangre de conquistadores CD
*Klan: hordas celtíberas LP
*Batallón de Castigo: pasos de muerte 7"
No Alibi: wickedness of mankind LP Rock O Rama
Bound for Glory: over the top LP
Bound for Glory: when the hammer falls LP
Bound for Glory: last act of defiance LP
Rahowa: cult of the holy war LP