Trailer for Shutter Island

I think it is about a rather yucky institution where things are happening that shouldn't be, and that it looks rather frightening. Looks good actually. For those who have read the book and have seen the trailer, would you recommend this as a read first or watch first experience?
Based on that it's about a guy who parachutes into a mental hospital and goes to the salon there, but the hairdresser is a crazy chick with big basketball tits. Or at least that's what he imagines, because she evaporates anyway. He goes looking for her, but ends up fingering Leonardo Decaprio in the movies because Leo got drunk and couldn't tell what was going on. Then some strange bald guys talk to each other and another one has a shower. Leo keeps having visions of being fingered by a guy with a parachute, so he runs around looking for him with a rifle. They won't let him out of there though, so he cries a bit and hangs off a cliff. The end.

Is that how it goes in the book?
Lots of Selth Ifricans thought Leo did a great job with the accent on Blood Diamond. Reminds me of when Michael Caine did an American accent in Hurry Sundown back in the 60s - the English press slammed him for it, but the American press was fine. I think it's just when we're used to hearing someone do one accent the whole time and so it just doesn't sound natural when they branch out and we therefore thing he's doing a rotten job.

Like Tom Wilkinson when he does an American accent in Michael Clayton - I thought he sounded absolutely awful. Got an Oscar nomination. Go figure.

I've always rated Leo as an actor, even when it's a bit hard to take a skinny white boy seriously playing grown up parts.