Trance cover of Embrace the Endless Ocean


New Metal Member
Jan 10, 2010
Hiya guys! Recently been trying out a music production program called LMMS, and I keyed in the intro to Embrace the Endless Ocean to try some stuff out.

30 hours of work later, and I've made the entire song and I am incredibly proud of it. Embrace is my favourite AA song so I gave it my all.

Give it your ears, and I'd really like to know what you think. I'm going to get the singer of my band to record the vocals on it at another point to see if that works, but for now, enjoy :)


Weird, but not badly done I guess.
Not really my style to be honest, but it was a somewhat fun experience to listen to that.

I was pretty dubious about posting this on here, as obviously it's radically different from the original. Still, I'm a little surprised to find you have casually dismissed it as a fail.

Fair enough, if that's what you think.

Thanks for the responses so far guys.
Uff...ummm....urgh...Amon Amarth techno? WTF how can you transform beautiful music into such crap?!

This was probably going on in my head as I clicked onto this thread. But after listening to it I gotta admit (though I'm really not liking electronic music, a few elctronic elements in a metal song can be nice addition but just electronics normally do nothing for me) that this sounds not as bad as I expected it to sound ;).

I think you transformed it pretty well into this electronic version. The song is definately recognizable in this new form. Though I never gonna listen to this day in day out, I respect the work you put into that. Well done I think.

Regarding the Singer: Is he gonna growl or does he sing "normal"? I think this could work out pretty good featuring some nice growls. :cool:
Thanks thimon, that comment is much appreciated! Heh, I never truly planned to do this, and were someone to suggest it to me I'd be like What? *slap*

And no, it'll be singing akin to cheryl cole or beyonce, that would sound sweet.

Kidding, kidding, put down the pitchforks. It'll be growling :) he's the vocalist from my metal band:
Honestly, the percussion at 1:14 should me more trancey. The drum roll gives it a sad spinoff feel...Also, you need some fucking claps in this song!

But the synth is nicely done. Kudo's on that.
Hiya guys! Recently been trying out a music production program called LMMS, and I keyed in the intro to Embrace the Endless Ocean to try some stuff out.

30 hours of work later, and I've made the entire song and I am incredibly proud of it. Embrace is my favourite AA song so I gave it my all.

Give it your ears, and I'd really like to know what you think. I'm going to get the singer of my band to record the vocals on it at another point to see if that works, but for now, enjoy :)

I think that threadstarter's video is awesome as shit, and I mean that very sincerely. :kickass:

Next time, though, he should skip paying tribute to bands that he likes in music and just hang around forums flaming other people who do so. That's how you get mad pussy.