Tranquillians trade/sell list


Oct 10, 2001
My trade / sell list

Amon Amarth - The avenger (I have 2 copies)
Arise - The godly work of art
Arsis - A celebration of guilt
Butterfly Temple - Kolese Chernoboga
Butterfly Temple - Sny Severnogo Morya
Butterfly Temple - Veles
Dark Angel - Time does not heal
Impious - The Killer
Mayhem - Mediolanum capta est
Monolithe - II
Morgion - Among majestic ruin
Nest - Woodsmoke
Nile - In their darkened shrines
Pagan reign - Destiny of ancient fate
Pagan reign - Spark of glory and revival of ancient greatness
Primal Fear - Black Sun
Primal Fear - Jaws of death
Primal Fear - Nuclear Fire
Skyforger - Sword song
Suidakra - Auld lang syne
Suidakra - Command to charge
Suidakra - Emprise to avalon
suidakra - Lays from afar
Suidakra - Signs for the fallen
Suidakra - The arcanum
The Duskfall - Frailty
The Duskfall - Source
Vomitory - Primal massacre
Zyklon - Aeon
ABNORMYNDEFFECT (Moldova) - Betwin ** (SOLD)
BLOODBOIL - Festering Fornication / Restock * (SOLD)
CEPHALOTRIPSY - Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies Re-Issue / Restock *
CARNAGIA - Blood Machine / colombian blasting, Disavowed (old) and Gorgasm way **
CREATED TO KILL - Worship or Die / death metal ***
DIGESTED FLESH (US) - the answer... Restock **
DIGESTED FLESH / INHUMAN DISSILIENCY (US/US) - Accumulation Of Eviscerated Remnants **
DYSENTRY - From Past Suffering Comes New Flesh ***
DISMAL LAPSE (US) - The Nameless Faceless (SOLD)
DESPONDANCY - Supreme.. * (SOLD)
DEEDS OF FLESH (US) Of What's To Come ** (SOLD)
EDEN BEAST - Passivity Causes Genocide **
EXECRATION (US) - A Feast for the Wretched / Combining old school and modern techniques alike, its a chugging, beastly assault of churning metal and pummeling groove *
ETERNAL RUIN - Decomposing Salvation / Restock *
ENMITY - Vomit Forth Intestinal Excrement Re-Issue *
GOREVENT (Jap) Abnormal Exaggeration **
GOREINHALED - The Art of Sickness (SOLD)
JUNGLE ROT - Fueled by hate / groove-based bludgeon is important in death metal as technical savagery ***
JUNGLE ROT - dead and buried / Combining the attitude of hardcore music with the intensity and energy of death metal ***
GODLESS TRUTH - "Arrogance of Supreme Power / Restock *
LIFE AT ZERO (US) - Vile Piles / US brutal fucking death metal from USA (New Hampshire) in vein Pyrexia & Origin
MUCOPUS - Undimensional / Jason Keyser (Skinless) on vocal - Restock **
PURULENT INFECTION - exhuming .... / slam death metal programming *
PROFANITY (Ger) - slaughtering thoughts / (last stock whole world) hear some Deicide (especially in the solos) and maybe some Morbid Angel ***
POPPY SEED GRINDER - Humanophobia / Czech slamming brutality, awesome*
RELLIK - Heritage Abomination / This is what death metal nowadays is lacking: intelligence to creating riffs only unique to that band as Chuck Schuldiner did with Death and Control Denied.
SPLATTERED CADAVER (US) - Human Stew / heavy slamming against old Devourment *
SEVERANCE (TX) - What Lies Ahead / Texas brutal death metal groovy **
SYPHILIC (US) Symphony Of Slit Throats * (SOLD)
SUTURE - Morbid Sculpture: Demo[n]ology / Restock *
MUCOPUS - Mulch?!? / Restock *
MALODOROUS - Amaranthine Redolence" / Restock * (SOLD)
VOLTURYON - BloodCure (SWE) * (SOLD)
WORMED - planispherium .. / Restock **
VULVECTOMY - Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation" / Restock *
VOMIT REMNANTS - supreme vehemence / Restock **

Cock and Ball Torture - egoleech 12' **