Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Night Castle


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
The long-awaited double album 'Night Castle' is being released on Tuesday, October 27th! Pre-order it now on!

I've heard one song that the Metal Madman played on his show a couple of weeks ago that sounded interesting. I liked it, but it sounded a little generic, I have to admit. With that said, any predictions regarding the quality of songs?

Am I the only one who thinks this cover is "too metal" for a release that should have a commercial appeal?


The title "Night Castle" is in a very typical heavy metal font.

I mean, the cover itself is pretty cool, but if you want to aim for the mainstream audience I really don't think this is the way to go. I hope I'm wrong though ...

When I bought my TSO tickets a few weeks ago, I got five advanced release MP3s from Night Castle. Out of those songs, only 1 sounded decent, the others were OK but not great IMHO. I'll wait until the whole album comes out before I give it a full review.
Am I the only one who thinks this cover is "too metal" for a release that should have a commercial appeal?

The title "Night Castle" is in a very typical heavy metal font.

I mean, the cover itself is pretty cool, but if you want to aim for the mainstream audience I really don't think this is the way to go. I hope I'm wrong though ...


:lol:...actually Claus, I think the cover is a little cheesy in a cartoonish way.

Yeah, to me that cover is not up to par with their others. I hope the songs are good. I've been waiting for this anxiously! Beethoven's Last Night is a true masterpiece to me. The Christmas stuff is good too, but there's just something about BLN that's magical.
Am I the only one who thinks this cover is "too metal" for a release that should have a commercial appeal?

The title "Night Castle" is in a very typical heavy metal font.

I mean, the cover itself is pretty cool, but if you want to aim for the mainstream audience I really don't think this is the way to go. I hope I'm wrong though ...

Hmm....not really.
It looks like it was thrown together in five minutes. Also, I think the castle looks more fairy tale than anything.
In fact, I think the designer may have stole the image from the 'My Little Pony Dream Castle' I had when I was a kid.
Since the album is called Night Castle, I would assume they would use some type of castle, cast in darkness for the cover and given their expansive and diverse audience, I think this artwork was pretty safe.
I think someone should make a move, "Harold & Kumar look for Night Castle," where those two guys drive around for 5 years looking for this CD that has been promised for the last 5 TSO tours!

Kidding aside, I'm looking forward to this. Now...if they can just do a summer concert tour with DSO opening, we'll all be happy!

I think someone should make a move, "Harold & Kumar look for Night Castle," where those two guys drive around for 5 years looking for this CD that has been promised for the last 5 TSO tours!
Try for the last 7. :Smug: I know they were talking about Nightcastle the first time I saw TSO live 7 years ago.

I hear this also means they will FINALLY be updating the live set list (which has pretty much been the same thing the last several years). It figures that the first time that they change their show in the 7 years I've really known about them, and I'm probably not going to be able to afford to go. :mad:

I am looking forward to checking out the new album though. From what I've heard so far it seems like I'll like it.
Am I the only one who thinks this cover is "too metal" for a release that should have a commercial appeal?

The title "Night Castle" is in a very typical heavy metal font.

I mean, the cover itself is pretty cool, but if you want to aim for the mainstream audience I really don't think this is the way to go. I hope I'm wrong though ...


I don't think it's going look "too metal", since someone who is likely to think that is someone who's not into metal, and is therefore probably not that intimately familiar with what a stereotypical metal album cover looks like to begin with. And for people who got into Trans-Siberian Orchestra through Savatage or something, the metal font will not be a problem.
Great the new album FINALLY comes out, which means they will be updating the set lists AND THEY AREN;T COMING TO ATLANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
That one free song they released on, to me it sounded overproduced. I understand Paul O'Neil is a perfectionist - but come on, there was almost no life or dynamics in that song at all.

I'm interested to see how this one is.

Based on the last Christmas album, I felt there were no surprises, way too predictable in their sound now, songs following same patterns and that "chug chug chug" riff, and the songs just didn't feel as good. In addition to the production just having no life.

There's so much potential for this band too. I believe it was Jon Oliva who said in one interview they had enough material for the next 7 albums written (and this was several years ago). But Paul O'Neil takes so long to release, who knows if we'll ever hear them.

Then this CD was rumored to be 2 cd's - acceptable considering they completely ridiculous time it was in studio. Now its looking like one cd from what I've hear *sighs*.

BLN was amazing. But can TSO do a full album not based on holiday music or classical motifs? That remains to be seen. And if Carmena Fortuna is on here, not sure how much is going to be completely original anyways.
Lord of the rings films are sooo metal as well. even the film posters. but mainstream eats it up. what makes mainstream is not the product itself, it has never been...
Then this CD was rumored to be 2 cd's - acceptable considering they completely ridiculous time it was in studio. Now its looking like one cd from what I've hear *sighs*.

The Amazon link above says two CDs. Also, 26 songs is a LOT to put on one CD. Each song averaging less than 3 minutes a piece? I don't buy it.
Is it? I wasn't able to click Amazon at work. Good to see at least! When sites first started listing they were only saying 1 disc (but this was several weeks ago).

If 2 CD's, that's at least one plus!
When I bought my TSO tickets a few weeks ago, I got five advanced release MP3s from Night Castle.

I did this as well. I am enjoying "The Lion's Roar", "Toccata - Carpimus Noctem", and "Moonlight and Madness." (No relation to Sava's "Mozart and Madness".)

However, none of the tracks SERIOUSLY kicked my ass. When BLN came out, that was the only CD that I listened to for about a month! I'm hoping that Paul is keeping the best stuff up his sleeve.
I'm looking forward to it! Funny thing, My band put the finishing touches on our 2007 album, "Brothers of the night" at Morrisound Studios in like, July 07' and TSO was there working on Night Castle then. Really nice guys. We actually had dinner with Paul one night. Fast foward 2 years, Were at Morrisound for two weeks here recently in 2009, AND THEY WERE STILL THERE FINISHING THE SAME ALBUM!!!! Morrisound is not cheap, and they spent alot of time there. I Can't wait to hear what the record sounds like!