Translation of The Will To Give


Jan 22, 2007
Madison, WI
For my Latin class I have to translate something into Latin, and I picked The Will To Give. I'm not doing all of it, probably just up until "In order to keep my legacy alive"

Here's what I have so far:

Extruebam omnis mei speorum et omnis mei consiliorum
Tantem surgantur et jacunt umbram humiliationis
Dies degand umbrae restent
Admontio omnis mei somni
Ego debi vivo deprimi cum
frustratio quae numquam eveniebat

Ego vovo ab die prorsus
Mei dolore afficendi brevis erit
Ut ego continuabo dare ad hunc mundum
Sciavero ego acciperet numquam

Veniebam eatenus
Ante spoliavi et mitti ad initium
Id stenit tamen aer discindebat

(a hybrid of seasons had come)(didn't translate this yet)
Id praeter volabat trans terram
Id parcit vitas omnis alius
Dum id destruet omnis faciebam
(the frost) veniet in noctem

Thats all I have so far, and I have no idea if its at all right, but i just thought i would share it with the rest of you.
OK, its finished:

Extruebam omnis mei speorum et omnis mei consiliorum
Tantem surgantur et jacunt umbram humiliationis
Dies degand umbrae restent
Admontio omnis mei somni
Ego debi vivo deprimi cum
frustratio quae numquam eveniebat

Ego vovo ab die prorsus
Mei dolore afficendi brevis erit
Ut ego continuabo dare ad hunc mundum
Sciavero ego acciperet numquam

Veniebam eatenus
Ante spoliavi et mitti ad initium
Id stenit tamen aer discindebat

Hybrida anni temporis veniebat
Id praeter volabat trans terram
Id parcit vitas omnis alius
Dum id destruet omnis faciebam

Pruina veniet in noctem
Mei progressus immortalitati tradit
Omnis ut ego relinqui infectus
In perpetuum frigore concrettus in temporis esset

Ego deci notus hunc maledictum
Id accidebat per mei vitam
Id eget continuebat accident
Ut teneam mei legati alacris

"would be forever frozen in time" IS VERY LONG IN LATIN: "In perpetuum frigore concrettus in temporis esset"
That's awesome! Nice work, that must've taken forever? How long have you been doing Latin? I wish I got to do cool things like that when I was studying Latin!
Nice! I've done a basic course of latin but didn't understand much of that.

I had to translate some stuff in Swedish classes and all I did was Thyrfing lyrics, specially songs of Vansinnesvisor. :D
OK, its finished:

Extruebam omnis mei speorum et omnis mei consiliorum
Tantem surgantur et jacunt umbram humiliationis
Dies degand umbrae restent
Admontio omnis mei somni
Ego debi vivo deprimi cum
frustratio quae numquam eveniebat

Ego vovo ab die prorsus
Mei dolore afficendi brevis erit
Ut ego continuabo dare ad hunc mundum
Sciavero ego acciperet numquam

Veniebam eatenus
Ante spoliavi et mitti ad initium
Id stenit tamen aer discindebat

Hybrida anni temporis veniebat
Id praeter volabat trans terram
Id parcit vitas omnis alius
Dum id destruet omnis faciebam

Pruina veniet in noctem
Mei progressus immortalitati tradit
Omnis ut ego relinqui infectus
In perpetuum frigore concrettus in temporis esset

Ego deci notus hunc maledictum
Id accidebat per mei vitam
Id eget continuebat accident
Ut teneam mei legati alacris

"would be forever frozen in time" IS VERY LONG IN LATIN: "In perpetuum frigore concrettus in temporis esset"

That is really really really cool. I want to take latin as well hehe i speak Spanish so i can pick some words :)
thank you so much for sharing
That's awesome! Nice work, that must've taken forever? How long have you been doing Latin? I wish I got to do cool things like that when I was studying Latin!

Believe it or not, I got it all done in the last week and a half. Probably about 8 hours all together, broken up over the course of several classes, classes that I TA in (Latin I), and study halls. I'm only in Latin II, but I have a very good teacher, and a very good dictionary.

As I said, I really dont know if its right at all, but I was counting on no one here being able to tell, :D

Nice job man! :)

I like to translate the bridge of "Dragged" into French and sing it whilst playing guitar.
A great rhyming effect too! :)
