
Nov 8, 2001
New York City

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Incoming Senate Majority Leader
Trent Lott issued a written apology Monday evening
over his comment that the United States would have
avoided "all these problems" if then-segregationist
Strom Thurmond had been elected president in 1948.


Thurmond ran as the presidential nominee of the
breakaway Dixiecrat Party in the 1948 presidential
race against Democrat Harry Truman and Republican
Thomas Dewey. He carried Alabama, Louisiana,
Mississippi and his home state of South Carolina, of
which he was governor at the time.

During the campaign, he said, "All the laws of
Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot
force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our

Thurmond's party ran under a platform that declared in
part, "We stand for the segregation of the races and
the racial integrity of each race."

what kind of gigatard do you have to be to say
something that stupid?

P.S. Al Gore, you shut the fuck up too. No one
needs your defender-of-the-Negroes, opportunistic
this reminds me of those tapes that were released with nixon on them calling people 'dirty jews' etc etc.....

our country is like, either on the verge of not being a country anymore, or doing something weird and crazy.
i think the whole world is like that. :p

I can believe that Lott didn't intend to refer to the segregation thing or be racist at all. But he's still fully to blame because those comments show he still buys into the whole Southern-pride garbage. Many, many people in the South have yet to show any contrition and accept that their retarded culture was the cause of a huge amount of racial injustice. They need to start thinking they way Germans do, on a smaller scale perhaps, but with a similar amount of accepting the blame and changing their culture. Instead, many Southerners feel that the whole Jim Crow thing, and segregation thing, was an isolated tumor that can be cut out when in actually you need a whole new organ. I've had educated, liberal, intelligent Southern friends agree with each other that the South is unfairly persecuted, and the North was and always has been "just as bad". You ever hear average Germans try to defend Naziism?

I hate nationalism, pride, hubris, all that shit, and it makes me secretly pleased when I see it cause its practitioners pain.
did anyone see the article about kissinger in the nation? it's also on their website. shit blew my mind. also, their article on wallmart is off the hook.
no, but i'm going to the website to read it right now. the fact that kissinger remains free AND HAS A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE (from the Swedes, zander, from the Swedes!) always kind of boggles my mind.
holy shit, you tell ME. carter has a record of sucking up to dictators with horrendous human-rights records, and totally fucking cuban democracy activists over. and he gave yasser arafat and saddam advice on how to win over the public!

i mean, carter is far better than Kissinger, though. but since Arafat has a peace prize, too, I suppose that the Nobel Prize has become completely meaningless.