Triac northeast tour dates

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
Visit site
Friday August 19th
The Sidebar - 218 E. Lexington Avenue
8 PM, $6 (?)

Flowers in the Attic
Clancy 6

Saturday August 20th
230 Buckingham Place (Between 44th and 45th off of Locust)
8 PM, $5 donation?

FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC (baltimore scumfucks)
TRIAC (baltimore thrash/grind)
7654 STORIES (NJ screamies --- fun times good dudes)
ROGUE STATE (on tour from cali members of Dogs of Ire)
DOHRN (on tour from cali members of Dogs of Ire)

Sunday August 21st
NorthSix (Downstairs) 66 E. 6th Street, Brooklyn
Doors @ 6, $8

Celebrity Murders
Flowers in the Attic

Monday August 22nd
137 Phelps Road
Doors @ 5, $5

Flowers in the Attic
Death Screams

Tuesday August 23rd
Wallingford American Legion, 190 Ward Street
Doors @ 6, $6

FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC (crushing hardcore from Baltimore)
TRIAC (grind from Baltimore)
FIRED UP! (sick old school hardcore from CT)
(+2 tba: waiting on They and the Children and Our Final Say)

Wednesday August 24th
the Library, Allston MA (booking @ for info)
Doors @ 6:30, $5

Flowers in the Attic
Comerade Kilkin
Eat Your Heart Out

Thursday August 25th
The Flywheel, 2 Holyoke Street
7PM, $5

Flowers in the Attic
Ampere (possibly)
alex are you going on sunday? i'm going even if all my dumb friends are going to some dumb thing totally not triac related.
and i thought avi was just talkin' nonsense.

mccarthyism posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 3:15:31 pm
Our tire blew out and there is no spare. I think flowers is coming to see if theirs fits. Blake went to look for an auto place and the guy laughed at him and said it's sunday. We found a baggie of coke on the side of the highway. Josh Seipp banged his head on the underside of bridge and Blake cut his hand on some rusty metal.

avi posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 3:41:09 pm
huge bummer!

mccarthyism posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 4:00:35 pm
Ok we just found some crack, too. This must be getting pulled over by the cops central.

cassano posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 4:07:58 pm
I had a dream that I smoked crack last night

mccarthyism posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 4:13:33 pm
The tow truck is here!

thesearemypants posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 4:44:06 pm
can you post when you get to ny so i know what time to get to the show?

joeyjoejoe posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 4:48:10 pm
good luck. shouldn't be a problem to find a tire on a sunday.

take care of seipp for me.

mccarthyism posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:02:39 pm
We are at the tire place but we just found out we lost our muffler, too. I guess we are gonna just go without it. We're leaving in like ten minutes.

argablarg posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:03:07 pm
how are you posting

mccarthyism posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:03:50 pm
We are at the tire place but we just found out we lost our muffler, too. I guess we are gonna just go without it. We're leaving in like ten minutes.

mybrokenarms posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:04:02 pm
man don't need no muffler, just muff

cassano posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:04:45 pm
muff to muffle your sobs

mccarthyism posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:05:08 pm
From my blackberry.
inter-poster txting is occurring as i decide whether or not to leave for the show. i think i'm gonna take off and grab some pizza for dinner in bklyn while i wait to see if triac's gonna show. amanda or whoever, txt me if you hear anything!

argablarg posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:08:18 pm
why didnt u guyz cum 2 ianz last nite

MoonSammy posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:09:31 pm
good luck guys!!!

waxwing slain posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:30:12 pm
i was about to leave for the show and i guess now i'll hang on and see if you guys make it?

joeyjoejoe posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:30:55 pm
i'll see you guys on wed.

mccarthyism posted this on August 21st, 2005 @ 5:35:06 pm
We are on the road! We'll be there for the show. We didn't go to ian's because we were already at the house of the dude we were staying with, drinking on his roof. Woulda otherwise.
triac was rad, and i enjoyed flowers in the attic and the first band...umm..."murdoch" maybe? amanda was sick and her ride didn't show BUT i got to hang out with josh and bum cigarettes from him! p.s. his MOTW tattoo looks great!