TRIALS album available! (mixed by Lasse)


May 3, 2006

Hi guys. My band TRIALS has finally released our album, "Witness To The Downfall," and i thought you might be interested in hearing it. Lasse from this forum mixed and mastered it, and it sounds awesome. Let me know what you guys think. You can stream the whole album at the Bandcamp link below:​/

Thanks for checkin' it out.

Really good music man!!!

Don't dig the snare and kick but that is all subjective. The mix sounds great though, organic yes and got great vibe.

Lasse any info on the mix?? The toms sounds really great. Are the drums real or triggered enhanced?
Really liking the artwork!
Mix is ace, and music is pretty cool too! Awesome snare
Lasse once uploaded "And still I breath" iirc
Will listen to the whole album on bandcamp tomorrow I think
Had a blast working on this.
I tried to leave drums as natural as possible, but had to make some compromises (I didn't record :)).
The first mix we had was really modern and clean ( think devil driver type of snare etc) but we felt that didn't harmonize with the brutality of the music too well, so the goal was "we don't care if it sounds "good" or how people are expecting it to sound, let's make it sound dangerous and mean instead", and I think that approach really was the right one for these songs.....Which are absolutely killer btw, definitely one o my absolute favorite bands so far!
Kick is 60-70% the original track, but has some augmenting going on.
I'm also diggin the drummers style.
Guits are two tracks of 2ch recto revF and two tracks of bias modded 5150 both through the Mesa recto cab.
Afaik EMG pickups in a Gibson explorer....and some groovy as fuck playing.
Vocals were sm7, recorded in the control room with speakers blasting....and a metric fuckton of attitude. Lots of distressor, 1176 on them as well

(fucking auto spell)
WOW Digging this mix, very natural! Immediatelly when you hear praise first thing stands out is the awesome drum mix on this!
Listening to a few more song, damn that china..ouch..but that's just my opinion.
Vocals, I know I had critiques a year or 1/2 ago on not liking them, missing power.
Biggest progress since then are probally the vocals! Now it feels solid and powerfull!
Very Machine Head/Slipknot-esque style, which is good, I like both band.

edit: Facepalm for me. Checked and this is probally the same as the mix I've critiqued before. Damn, must I have been cranky that day on that previous 1 year old thread.
haha, yeah, that china was actually broken ;)
but tbh, I actually quite like how pissed off it sounds...kinda works for me.
I'm loving the attitude the vocals have

Are the toms natural or sampled?
The whole thing sound pretty pissed for this band.
Also I'm really liking the snare, not something you'd probally use quick on any other mix again, but really solid for this.

BTW. When will your new website be online? Being on the drumsample site it suddenly ends up at your normal site again, without being able to return to the drumsample website.
Hey Mark, Just purchased this. Really good. Nice work Lasse.

Thanks man! I really appreciate everyone's comments on this stuff, we worked really hard on it, for a really long time. Lasse, you rule.

Also: That china cymbal wasn't actually was just a piece of shit.
I listen to this right through today. Fuck good shit man! Tell us more about the recording. Did you record this yourself then Lasse mixed it? Reamp or amps? Self release? When I heard that china it did stick out like dogs balls but I thought it was deliberate, would never have given it a second thought if Lasse hadn't mentioned it.

mmm... that was rant-tacular
Fuck good shit man! Tell us more about the recording. Did you record this yourself then Lasse mixed it? Reamp or amps? Self release?

Well, we tracked the drums with Chris Wisco (November's Doom) at his studio. Everything else was done at home, except the vocals which we did at a pretty nice home studio. We recorded DI's of guitars and bass, which Lasse reamped later on. We did record a few things with actual amps (leads, cleans etc) that may or may not have made it onto the record.

The album is a self-release, you can download or stream it here:​/
Well, we tracked the drums with Chris Wisco (November's Doom) at his studio. Everything else was done at home, except the vocals which we did at a pretty nice home studio. We recorded DI's of guitars and bass, which Lasse reamped later on. We did record a few things with actual amps (leads, cleans etc) that may or may not have made it onto the record.

Thanks for the info. I think this is the best approach tbh. I've always thought that way too many people try to do everything at home where they should be working in pro studios. It's also good to see Sneapster working together.

The album is a self-release, you can download or stream it here:​/

Yep, done that. A bargain too at only $6.
We definitely did do a lot of stuff at home, but recording drums that way was not an option. Too unprofessional, even for us.

And not to get cheesy, but this forum has helped the band out a lot -- we actually met our guitar player on here, for one thing.