TRIALS (my band) announces new guitarist


May 3, 2006
Hey guys. I know this is not really related to anything, but since our band was pretty much formed on this forum, some of you might find this noteworthy.

Chicago thrashers TRIALS have parted ways with guitarist Remy Walle. The band's new guitarist is Ryan Bruchert (CENTAURUS, ex-HE WHO CORRUPTS).

The band comments as follows: "As far as the split with Remy, all we can say is that sometimes shit just doesn't work out. We wish him the best of luck with whatever he chooses to do.

We'd like you to join us in welcoming Ryan Bruchert to the band. His music credentials include our more progressive brothers in CENTAURUS (who you should all check out), as well as now-departed grind legends HEWHOCORRUPTS. He's a decent human being and an excellent guitarist, and despite his aversion to eating meat, we like the guy. We're looking forward to him putting his stamp on the new album we've been recording, as well as our upcoming live shows this summer. You can get updated on all that stuff over at See you there."