Tribute of Matthew Picket

I traded tapes,and some great stories too, with Matty for several years in the middle/late 90s. Of all the fans and collectors i´ve been in touch with over the years, i allways thought he was one of the nicest. Allways wrote long happy letters with an enthuiasm no one else came near by.
When i quit the trading circuit a couple of years ago i also sadly lost most of the contact with Matty. When i first heard of the awful fire in RI (expected 10 victims..), my first thought was, wonder if Matt Picket still travels all over MA and RI to see concerts? Watching the news and the Internet, with the victim number rising for every hour, i prayed he wasn´t there... When documenting shows you allways stand very close to the stage.. This was a very very sad and unreal tragedy, which became very real when Matty´s name came up on the victims list. It was really nice knowing you, sad we never got to met. Fans from all over the world will for decades thank you for the documenting you did, and you will be remembered Matty! God Bless you.

Daniel / Sweden
I can only second that!!! Great loss, fantastic friend, taper, music lover..simply a nice and gentle, warmhearted person.

We will remember!