Tribute song to Michael Jackson!


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2009
Kiruna, Sweden
Hi, I play in a band called 8 Point Rose. Just a few days after Michael Jackson had left us we wrote this Michael Jackson metal tribute, called This is it! R.I.P Michael!

Download it for free at:

Or watch the mj-compilation video:

Final fantasy-video:

Stay Metal! // Adam, 8 Point Rose
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Hi, I play in a band called 8 Point Rose. Just a few days after Michael Jackson had left us we wrote this Michael Jackson metal tribute, called This is it! R.I.P Michael!

Download it for free at:

Or watch the mj-compilation video:

Final fantasy-video:

Stay Metal! // Adam, 8 Point Rose

Wrong thread.Should post this in the self promotion fourm.
yo dawg I herd u like crash cymbals so we put a crash cymbal on ur crash cymbal so u can crash while u crash and burn.

and also

yo dawg I herd u like gay shit so we put some gay shit in ur song about gay shit so u can suck while u suck

Not my best work, but frankly I don't think this deserves any better. The fact that you went to this much trouble to pay tribute to that asshole only makes the awfulness of the tribute that much more pathetic.
Now now, didn't you say that you liked crash cymbals in one of your pm's?....

But yeah, cool it on the crash cymbal and stop paying tribute to a pedophile.