tribute to SUFFOCATION


Aug 28, 2002
watertown ma
Today in the year 2004, Suffocation continue to be at the forefront of scientific brutal death metal. Their unparalled brillance is still a shining light for all in the metal universe, indeed the musical universe.

Last night they played several songs from the newest album Souls to Deny which I am going to have to pick up immediately. They also covered every release in between, delivering true bangers like "Thrones of Blood", "Liege of Inveracity", "Breeding the Spawn" and the classic "Infecting the Crypts". It was an amazing way to check all the different approaches to the scientific brutality that Suffocation has taken over the years. You come to realize if you havent already, that Suffocation is not a one dimensional band and that is why they are one of the greatest death metal bands of all time.

The only way I would have been happier is if they played "Seeds of the Suffering" because that has my favorite Terrance Hobbs solo.

The spirit of Metal was flowing through the audience and I'd like to give a big shoutout to all the metalheads in the universe that enjoy this music. Also big props to Mike from The Red Chord for getting us in for free. That was incredibly sexy. I am looking forward to listening to all the cd's he hooked us up with.

Also, we got lost a lot both there and on the way home.
