Trinity Review:


New Metal Member
Jun 20, 2004
Just wanted to pass this along since the dude said he has not received many criticisms in his sites 3 years of stagnation (maybe it is time for a reality check). Dude, missed my initial point of talking shite vs. composing an intelligent and objective review...

-----Original Message-----
From: wooks []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:34 AM
Subject: Re: DIVISION- Trinity

I'm sorry that you feel this way about our review. But I can tell you that in over the 3 and half years that we have been doing this, yours is the first complaint that we have ever received about a review we have done. So I don't think we have done too badly. And I can tell you that I have seen far worse and more cutting and far more unprofessional reviews than the one that we wrote.
As for my comments I stand by them, I really didn't like this album and I'm sorry if this offends you. But everybody has their opinion about things and I'm sure that there are records that you think that are garbage that I would disagree and say were great, that's the beauty of music is it?!
I wish you well

-------Original Message-------

Date: 11/09/04 05:35:27
Subject: DIVISION- Trinity

I have one word to say about your review of the new Division CD
(Trinity), UNPROFESSIONAL. What would you think of a movie reviewer
that walked out after the first ten minutes. The reviewer would have no
credibility, so as your organization. Unfortunate, but I will no longer
frequent your site as it has NO credibility. Sounds like you have too
many free CDs and not enough free time to output a quality site...

:hotjump: :hotjump:
I laughed when I read it. People have different tastes. In some parts of the world, crapping on people is considered sexual. Not in the world I live in.

I'm the first one to admit, if you expect to hear Halford, you won't like me much. S'okay, one more thing to build on and one more person to prove wrong down the line. Thanks for the defense, Z.
Nick, if you ever TRIED to be Halford, I'd run away as quick as my big feet'd take me...

Leather pants = ok...

Bald head and screaming like your nuts just receded a foot into your stomach = BAD VERY BAD
Cheyanne said:
Nick, if you ever TRIED to be Halford, I'd run away as quick as my big feet'd take me...

Leather pants = ok...

Bald head and screaming like your nuts just receded a foot into your stomach = BAD VERY BAD
Hmm. You've obviously never seen *that* room in his house...

Oh, wait, neither have *I*.

Move along, nothing to see here...