Triple XXX Woes


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Hi All,

Some of you will know the problems I've been having with my XXX, very hard to get the amp to not sound fizzy, I basically have to have the mids on 0 and be very careful with the treble to get anything that doesn't sound like an ice pick. Now I've heard of the XXX's having that kinda tonality, but mine seems like it's extremely like it.

Does this sound like something's wrong with it, or is my Marshall 2x12 with V30's the problem?

Kinda at the end of my tether with it now.
Maybe get the gain down, get the low up? Got one myself, my high is never past 12 o clock, and my low never below 12. You do need more mid then 0. Might be your room sucks. At some places its a monster wich cant be beat by any other amp, and at other places it sound like a cardboard box. Still love my XXX
Well maybe it is the room, but I just find it doesn't react in the same way as I've seen people online saying it does. I may look into selling up and getting something else. Really tempted to get a JVM410H.
Well the cab is playing a big big big big part in the tone. And also the microphone position. I just managed to get a raelly great tone out of my amps after buying a reampkit so i could play around.
What kinda settings are you using? I normally find that I have the mids about 11 o clock and the bass and treble between 2 and 3 o clock, tweak to taste from there. Keep the gain pretty low as the XXX has tons, far more than anyone will ever need. Keep in mind that the volume control on the distortion channel you're not using has an effect on the presence/edge of the channel you are using, I find it sounds best between 12 and 3 o clock. I also find the amp sounds better with the dampening on loose of medium, tight just makes it sound kinda mid heavy.
I tend to have the mids on all on my amps kept pretty low. 2-3 (not o´clock) there are waaaay to much mids on amps to begin with if you hear what a guitar sounds like in a great mix.

If you set your amp on moderate settings like bass 5, treble 5 , mids 3 and gain 4 you should get a pretty good tone out of it. Take that for starters and move on from there. As i said there is just as much the cab and mic position that are affecting your guitar tone. And then of course you need a great sounding drums etc haha man it never stops!!!

Good luck :)
I think it's more likely to be the cab, although I've recently dumped v30's into my Marshall 2x12 to try and help tame the fizz. It sounds shitty in the room as well, so I don't think it's the miking position.
Ok hmm. Have you swapped your tubes recently? Im not a fan of Marshall cabs at all. They are fizzy and have a ugly bump in the 3-4khz region. I would go and buy a Mesa 2x12 instead if you can afford it
I'm thinking it may be tube related actually as I remember hearing some clips on here with a Marshall cab and the XXX sounding very 5150-ish, which pleased me. I should get it looked at really.