Trixx- you ok?

Thanks guys for the concern!! :)

I'm fine thanks, luckily I'm a looooooong way from Queensland, and about 2500km from around Townsville which is in far north Queensland where the cyclones hit.

I have a couple of friends from work from northern Queensland though, one from Townsville and one from Mackay, but their families and friends and everyone seem to be fine which is very lucky!
Great you're okay...I think it' is hard to imagine what happens to your live when something like that happens and you loose all you worked for in a few minutes or houres....
Yeah it'd be such a nightmare. That's one reason I'd never live in the country or a small town coz they are always prone to things like bushfires, floods, in the case of the northern part of Aus, cyclones too.

At least in a big city that stuff doesnt happen, well not in Melb anyway... we don't even get snow. The most extreme weather we get here is a hot day or a thunder storm, no natural disasters...

In the country areas of Victoria (the state Melbourne is in) lately there was lots of bushfires and it was horrible seeing everyone's houses burnt down so fast... People who ran out to try to help save their neighbour's house and come back to find their own gone...
Good to see you're OK Trixx. Good to see that there was only material damage, even though that sucks enough. :erk:
Wheezer said:
Good to see you're OK Trixx. Good to see that there was only material damage, even though that sucks enough. :erk:

Ditto !! Glad it was no where near you Trixx. Wheez..... Queensland does sound familiar though. Think that is maybe where Spawn is from or at least was living a one time ? I know he was in a college town that wasn't a real big city.

Bryant said:
Wheez..... Queensland does sound familiar though. Think that is maybe where Spawn is from or at least was living a one time ? I know he was in a college town that wasn't a real big city.

I was wondering the same thing. I kinda remember him saying Brisbane but I could just as easily be thinking of somewhere on the other side of the continent. :oops:
Wheezer said:
I was wondering the same thing. I kinda remember him saying Brisbane but I could just as easily be thinking of somewhere on the other side of the continent. :oops:

Yeah maybe it was Brisbane. My Australian geography is not my strongest asset. I just know the name "Queensland" sounds eerily familiar.

You mean Spawn as in from the comics? I'm not sure coz I've never read them hehe...


That's Australia there... The cyclones hit aruond the Townsville & Cairns area up the top. Queensland is a pretty empty state, inside from the coastal area there is barely anything, just deserts & bush and stuff.
Trixxi Trash said:
You mean Spawn as in from the comics? I'm not sure coz I've never read them hehe...


That's Australia there... The cyclones hit aruond the Townsville & Cairns area up the top. Queensland is a pretty empty state, inside from the coastal area there is barely anything, just deserts & bush and stuff.

I see now. Spawn (real name is Shawn and yes his moniker is from the comic book) IS from Brisbane which is in the state of Queensland. So I suppose both Brent and I were both right. Looks like the storm missed his area by a good bit unless he was out platypus hunting or something which I seriously doubt. :p

Trixxi Trash said:
That's Australia there... The cyclones hit aruond the Townsville & Cairns area up the top. Queensland is a pretty empty state, inside from the coastal area there is barely anything, just deserts & bush and stuff.

Cool! Thanks for the map. That puts it in perspective. My public education emphasized US geography with a minor on Europe. The other colonies weren't discussed a whole lot. I did date an exchange student from New Zealand in high school so I did look at maps from there a bit. :)
Thanks for the map. My geography was never too good but i'm always willing to learn.

Damn the place is huge 2500 km, if I travel that distance from here I'll be into USA.
Yeah its a fuckin huge country for so few people here lol. Alot of European countries fit into Victoria lol. Guess thats why not many bands tour here, not only is it so far from the rest of the world but you gotta travel 10 hours drive between each city as well.

Thanks again for thinkin of me guys when you heard about the cyclone :)
Glad your OK bro. I'm afraid we will be dealing with those storms all to soon here in Florida.:erk: I hope it's nothing like the last couple of years. We could really use a break.
hello Trixxi:kickass:

i'm in melbourne now! when i flew out from japan the flight to Cains was cancelled, and it was so rough on the air and i had to wake up 3 times during the night flight to buckle up the seat belt! i'm glad melbourne is so peaceful but sorry to see these depressing sights after the storm..
Ahhh yeah Florida has heaps of those sorts of storms!! They must be a real pain to have to live with...

Hey Junnie! :) How come you were going to Cairns? Hehe I'm not surprised the flights around there are being cancelled at the moment... You staying in Melbourne long or just an airport stop off until you can go to Queensland?