Tropic Thunder

SOme good stuff for sure... There were so many laughs but a few that stick out for me (Without trying to give anything away...)The Robert Downwy Jr and Toby McGuire part was pricesless! When they gave the title I about pissed my pants :lol: another belly laugh for me involed the director in the jungle after they landed! That was like whoah! :lol:
I may have to change my mind on this one. I saw the previews a few times, and never laughed once, it just looked completely stupid. But the reviews seem to be very good, so I may have to go see it anyway!

I saw it last weekend. Awesome flick, best Ben Stiller movie yet. I loved the beginning totally threw me for a loop. Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black and Cruise were all exceptional!!!

Saw this movie last night finally. I'd heard Cruise was great but I didn't think he had anything more than a cameo. Certainly was the first film in awhile that I enjoyed his character.
The majority of the scenes with Downey and Brandon Jackson (Alpa Chino) were great. Plus I loved the ending with Lance. And Jon Voight's reaction at the end was superb considering how most actors out on a cheerful face in that situation.
When Ben Stiller was posing while shooting at the drug lords was a classic moment. He brought a little Zoolander with him for this one.