Trouble covers In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

Carpe Mortem

Benevolently Batshit
Aug 21, 2013
Its a one off live performance, that's all the information I have. It has been on YouTube at some point. Help?
Well its been about a year and we have some new regulars.

Please. For fucks sake I'm obsessed with finding this shit. A live clip, an album of the entire show, anything to work off.
no idea, sorry dude. doesn't surprise me that they'd be fans of that song though.

i'd be more interested if they were covering 'my mirage' or 'unconscious power' tbh, was never that big on IAGDV.
Trouble has some musically good stuff, but their singing whining on about christianity gets old really fast.
wagner's vocals are the best thing about trouble.

Trouble isn't a band where one thing stands above the rest, but the riffcraft and songwriting are clearly the most essential part of their sound. Wagner has a great voice and you instantly know you're listening to Trouble when you hear it, but put it over average stoner stuff like Plastic Green Head and it's obvious that the voice alone doesn't sell them.
^Agreed on most points. That was an awful album. I dig when they get surfy with the guitar, but truthfully, its his vox that grab me. I even dug the shit out of that Probot song.

Man, I'm never gonna find this shit.
Trouble isn't a band where one thing stands above the rest, but the riffcraft and songwriting are clearly the most essential part of their sound. Wagner has a great voice and you instantly know you're listening to Trouble when you hear it, but put it over average stoner stuff like Plastic Green Head and it's obvious that the voice alone doesn't sell them.

maybe but the riffcraft/songwriting are also the most inconsistent thing about trouble's best albums and the reason why i'm a lot less fond of certain tunes than others. and it seems to me that the best stuff tends to be that which is most inseparable from wagner's vocals+lyrics and would be difficult to imagine without them.
Their first four albums are all pretty damn consistent to me. A couple merely-good songs here and there, but even then they hardly ever rewrite the same song over. I think the lyrics are the one weak aspect of their early material; they don't ruin anything for me, but I'd much rather just listen to the tone/conviction of his voice than actually read along to the lyrics. In a way I can see why he'd be considered inseparable, but trad doom is arguably also the sub-genre where vocals are the most important anyways. I.e. it's personal music so you tend to latch on closer to what you're used to, but I think in an alternative universe where Psalm 9 had a different singer, it would still be a classic album and whatever vocalist that stepped in would hopefully put his own mark on it. But without Wartell and Franklin, Trouble is nothing.

EDIT: fwiw I think Kyle Thomas was a great fit for the new Trouble album, and for the handful of strong songs on it, I could totally still tell I was listening to Trouble. There's also a bit of average stonery buttrocky filler, but that also applies to Simple Mind Condition.

This is reminding me that I've never actually listened to The Skull, the band, though. I should get on that and see how it works.
^fair enough. i agree that trouble are very rarely bad on their classic albums, it's more a case of i adore some songs and merely mildly enjoy others, but that's ok, they're still more consistent than most bands. i don't think they're the most organic on a compositional level, on weaker songs it does sometimes feel like they're just throwing ideas at you in a random order and the momentum's a little choppy, but that's not a dealbreaker, nor are the annoying stoner habits that creep in from time to time. you're also probably right that PSALM 9, their best album IMO, would still be classic with a different singer. i'm just uptight about people whining about wagner's 'whining about christianity' i guess, his performances on those first two records are among my favourites ever.
anyway, since nobody's helping out here, i may as well talk about iron butterfly a little. some people dismiss them as happy clappy hippie bullshit, but i think they're totally killer at times. very drugged out but in a subtly bleak, psychologically fragile kinda way that makes their innocent lyrics seem haunting. examples:

and one of my favourite songs of the '60s...
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