Trouble - The Distortion Field


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Yep, it is now my #1 for 2013.....

The album just rocks SO damn hard.

If you are expecting PSALM 9 or THE SKULL era sounding TROUBLE, two things!

1) You haven't been paying attention the past 20 years

2) Go see Eric Wagner and THE SKULL (Which I do truly recommend)

Can't wait for them to play live!
really surprised they didn't do any album release show here yet for it.

They don't have a bass player!!!
Both guitarists swapped bass duties on the disc.

They are currently auditioning players.

Rick lives in Glen Ellyn believe it or not.
I would KILL to be in TROUBLE but know I obviously couldn't commit to the amount of overseas touring they are looking to do so I wouldn't waste their time in auditioning.
I would love to see you in Trouble, that is what you would be in with your old lady. I could see it now...

You: Honey, I have a show this weekend.
Your Old Lady: You have to mow the lawn.
You: Yes Ma'am.

Later that call up the band.

You: Sorry guys I can't play Waken.
Phone with members of Trouble on the Phone: click.

Later that week.

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I would love to see you in Trouble, that is what you would be in with your old lady.



Oh man, what an opportunity though that would be.

I am surprised with the time they spent writing and recording they couldn't find someone to fill the slot. Maybe they wanted less cooks in the kitchen.
I do quite enjoy the new album. Favorite track is definitely "Paranoia Conspiracy".

Yeah I saw on the liner notes that Bruce and Rick are both listed for doing bass for the new album.

I also saw in that interview with Eric Wagner about Blackfinger (which the new album is coming out soon hopefully) that even The Skull is working on new material.

I've seen The Skull live, but I think I'd also like to see Trouble live as well. So hopefully they get a bass player soon. I'm surprised they didn't cook something up for at least a CD release show.
I am a lot more interested in a BLACKFINGER album than a SKULL album.
What is really the point of THE SKULL doing original material?
They formed because they wanted to play TROUBLE material live.
If they do an album, they should just change the name of the band for that purpose.

Anyhow, with the reviews the new TROUBLE is getting, I don't think THE SKULL's recorded output will make much waves, but I could be wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I like THE SKULL and think they do a great job.
It served a purpose while we were all waiting for new TROUBLE material.

I think the issue for them is that TROUBLE delivered in a BIG way.
I am a lot more interested in a BLACKFINGER album than a SKULL album.

I am stoked for the new Blackfinger album, honestly. I was hoping they'd have it ready a year or two ago, honestly (I've had the single forever).

As for The Skull, I'd love to hear a piece of what they're working on, but yeah, I'm more interested in Blackfinger too. I was just surprised more than anything.
Yep, I have the Blackfinger single too and think it is great.
Though I want more than ONE song!!!

Even Ancient Dreams has more than one song released!! HA!