Trouble - Unplugged

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Trouble – Unplugged
SAOL - 2009
By Adam McAuley


A nice relaxed mood is conveyed through the veins of this work and it contrasts nicely with what you’d usually find in metal. There’s enough emotion to turn your head in different directions elevating the music to new levels. Even with such sparse instrumentation, Trouble manage to craft a surprisingly strong approach. There’s a good sense of direction to their style and this is through the crafting of good songs rather than putting any theatrics on display. It shows a spark of the modest side the band has to display to a great degree.

The toned down mindset perhaps brings them into higher territories musically, however, as they able to play quite calmly bringing out different shades in their style. This is a nice contrast to their traditional doom work as it shows the lighter side of their repertoire. We can see some strong material actually taken from their other stuff as “Misery”, a highlight is a more stripped down version of their song “The Misery Shows (Act II)” from the self-titled album. The other songs found here are quite enjoyable in their own right and the band seems to be playing with an authoritative voice throughout.

Perhaps the best aspect of the disc is of course the vocals of Eric Wagner which have that distinctive flavour that completely enraptures your thoughts. The backing of the band is a little more subtle than what you’ll find on some of their other material, but makes for a nice change of pace I believe. This is an excellent album if you’ve ever heard any Trouble stuff and wouldn’t mind to see another side to the traditional doom outfit’s style take shape.

Official Trouble Website
Official Trouble Myspace
Official SAOL Label Website