Trouble with audio on PP DVD


\m/ \m/ MMMETAL!!
Oct 15, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Hey all.

Trying to give the new ProgPower USA DVD a spin today and immediately ran into trouble: I'm getting no sound from it at all. I checked the "DVD Easter Eggs" thread and saw that it's a stereo-only DVD, but my receiver is set to autoselect audio type based on the input it receives, so I expected to hear sound regardless.

I've tried setting the receiver manually to "Stereo" and also to "5 channel stereo" but neither setting gets me any audio. I run my audio directly from the DVD player to my receiver via digital coax cable. Input source on the receiver is set to "digital coax" and audio type is set to "auto". DVD player is a Sony DVP-NS700P and the receiver is a Denon AVR-1803.

Any suggestions? I've been mucking about with this for the better part of an hour and am a tad annoyed for not being able to get anywhere. Hate to have to sell it to somebody because I can't get any audio. :)

I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work, as mine played fine in two different players. Might be something the amp doesn't like maybe. I've gotten lost in the maze of connections now available between components.

Do you have player software on your computer? You could try that maybe as a sanity check.
It's a pain, but I suggest you disconnect the digital coax cable and hook up two stereo lines for the right and left channel.

I too use a digital coax cable but my Receiver has manual buttons for sound selection. For this disc, it reads the stereo sound through the coax but it can be fussy at times and require a couple of tries before it picks up the sound ... switching back and forth between different sound options before the stereo is read.
dslartoo said:
Hey all.

Trying to give the new ProgPower USA DVD a spin today and immediately ran into trouble: I'm getting no sound from it at all. I checked the "DVD Easter Eggs" thread and saw that it's a stereo-only DVD, but my receiver is set to autoselect audio type based on the input it receives, so I expected to hear sound regardless.

I've tried setting the receiver manually to "Stereo" and also to "5 channel stereo" but neither setting gets me any audio. I run my audio directly from the DVD player to my receiver via digital coax cable. Input source on the receiver is set to "digital coax" and audio type is set to "auto". DVD player is a Sony DVP-NS700P and the receiver is a Denon AVR-1803.

Any suggestions? I've been mucking about with this for the better part of an hour and am a tad annoyed for not being able to get anywhere. Hate to have to sell it to somebody because I can't get any audio. :)


Hey dude I had the same thing. I had to disconnect the digital output from the DVD to the basic Stero connection and now it works fine. I am guessing that yours is connected with the Digital cable to your receiver?

You might want to try this. Thanks

Bear said:
Hey dude I had the same thing. I had to disconnect the digital output from the DVD to the basic Stero connection and now it works fine. I am guessing that yours is connected with the Digital cable to your receiver?

Disconnecting my digital coax cable, plugging in a standard RCA audio pair and running it to the receiver, switching my receiver's input to that particular audio input and finally switching the input type to "Stereo" does finally allow me to get sound out of this DVD. But if you'll pardon my saying so, that's rather stupid. I don't need to do that for any of the other 300+ DVDs I own, whether their audio is Dolby Digital, DTS, Dolby Pro Logic, stereo or mono.

I am able to get sound when running it through my computer's DVD player, so I may just use it there instead (since the video is 4x3 instead of 16x9 and I have to monkey with my widescreen TV's settings to see it properly anyway).

Thanks to Bear and 5150 for the suggestions.
