True story

Feb 11, 2002
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I work at the local grocery store Jungle Jims. Wednesday is Senior Day they get 5% off with the Golden Buckeye card. It gets real busy on blue hair wednesday. So last wednesday an old man is going down the aisle walking with his leg straight out and he is pulling on his pant leg. Out of the bottom dorps a big fucking terd. My boss sees this whole thing. before he can get there a old lady comes around the corner, runs the pile of shit over and dragsit down the aisle. Old man then goes in to the bathroom and the boss (Ed) tells a bagger to go in there and make sure hes not making a big mess. Old mad comes out and has his shitty ass underoos in a grocery bag. He then finishes shopping and as he is checking out he buts the bag on the belt. The cashier not knowing what was in the bag, thinking it could be something from the cigar or liquor store opened the bag and looks in....the old man said "you didn't need to see that" she said no she didn't and he paid and left.
SlappyWhitey said:
Funny story, I cant believe that you work at Jungle Jims, you are my fucking hero. That place is like a goddamned adventure.
that crazy ass place is getting bigger. you should check it out. Way bigger wine and beer dept.
A few months ago, my family and I were driving down to Savannah to visit my older sister - she lives with her husband and daughter there. It's a long drive, so we had to stop in St. Louis overnight. We got a two-room suite in some hotel. Pretty nice. My mom and dad slept in the bedroom, and due to lack of space, my sister and I had to sleep on the fold-out couch in the other room.

So, nothing notable happened for a while. We all went to bed. I lied there a while, since I take a long time to get to sleep. Next thing I knew, I woke up to an unusual feeling. I quickly realized that my sister and I were back to back, my ass against hers. Well, this was intruiging. It was hard to tell whether she was awake or not, but if she wasn't, well, she would be soon. I shifted and slowly turned around on my other side, so that my front was facing her back. She didn't stir. Her body below her shoulders was covered by the blanket. I put my hands on her shoulders. Still she didn't move.

So I decided to go further. I placed my hands on her hips. She made a slight moan - but this was no sleeping moan. It was apparent she was trying to convey to me that she was in fact awake. My palms were sweaty. Carefully I hooked my thumbs around her panties and slid them down. Past her butt, past her knees, and off. I threw them off the bed. Without saying anything she moved her body closer to me. My now free hands ran across her form. I felt her every feature. I'm sure my sweaty hands weren't the best feeling to her, but I didn't care. Soon I decided it was time, so I slowly slid my boxer shorts off.

Then it happened. Ninjas. Hundreds of 'em. In seconds they trashed the room and killed my family. They were flipping out and cutting our heads off without even thinking twice about it! I was the only one conscious enough to think on my feet. I knew it was time to get serious. Uninhibited by my lack of clothing, I jumped out of bed and dodged the flurry of shurikens that had my name on 'em! As I was dodging, one of them hit a pubic hair. Man that was close. Luckily I had let my trusty katana tag along, and with the powers of the force it flew into my hand. Then I went crazy!

After the carnage, I stood alone in the ruins of the hotel, with nothing but my sword, some new scars, and a tattered shirt(I had no clothing to lose during the fight, so instead I had to put some on). I peered across the battlefield for any remaining signs of life. Then something caught my eye. A female ninja! She was moving! I ran up to her, ready to deliver the killing blow. As I raised my sword, I looked into her eyes. And I saw forgiveness. I realized that to kill her would be to defeat justice. Actually, I realized that she was female and if I helped her I could still score. She wasn't related to me, but it could be worse.

Anyway, I summoned the power of my chakra and in a few seconds she was healed. Sure enough, she thanked me... in her own way. Let's just say that she had some tricked passed down from her ancestors. The next morning, she was gone. I expected no less from a ninja.

So, you see my problem? If I tell my friends I got it on with a ninja chick, she'll surely hunt me down and dispose of me. It can't be known that a ninja associated with a human on a personal level.

"So I decided to go further. I placed my hands on her hips. She made a slight moan - but this was no sleeping moan. It was apparent she was trying to convey to me that she was in fact awake. My palms were sweaty. Carefully I hooked my thumbs around her panties and slid them down. Past her butt.................and out of the bottom drops a big fucking terd."
i work at a casino and can share numerous stories such as this. i remember one morning specifically where this crazy lady went into the bathroom and shit all over the toilet and then rubbed it on the wall. then she came out and had shit all over her hands and went back to playing a slot machine. needless to say, her ass got ejected from the casino and the stall and machines had to be scrubbed down and sanitized.

also, one night on the late shift some woman came into one of the bathrooms and shaved her pubes in the stall. apparently she had crabs REALLY bad and the bathroom was infested. it had to be shut down and cleaned after that.

people change when they go to casinos. they lose any and all common sense and act like animals.