Trump at it again ...

but of course. saw it on the news today. i had to laugh when he started spouting off about how it was the worst piece of crap architecture blah blah blah whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch. dudn't surprise me any. he could just build his own anyway anytime *shrug*
well, living in NYC it would be damn spooky to see a replica of the towers rise ... to me this is just another publicity stunt.

but then again all Trump buildings are square ... the guy has absolutely no imagination when it comes to architecture
"That master plan, designed by Daniel Libeskind and David Childs, features a 1,776-foot "Freedom Tower" and a 4.5-acre area for a memorial to 9/11 victims."

what.the.fuck. I hate to say it, but Trump is making some sense here... a LOT of sense.
I think Trump is ON THE MONEY!

Seriously, there is no message stronger than re-building the exact same towers, but just one storey taller. If that isn't defiant, I don't know what is. I would support this fully.

The other designs were rubbish. I mean, New York City is not meant to look gay. Bring back the skyline as it was, and our kids will never have to know that 9/11 even happened. [/homer]
that freedom tower does look gay and totally out of place in downtown ... waaaaay to futuristic and weird looking.

manhattan is not for weird architecture ... let's leave that to the Asian metropolises.
What a dickhead.

This reminds me of somthing cool:

Last night at the Star Wars premier everyone was making fun of the lame ass Ad's before the previews being really loud and obnoxious, which ruled cuz they where gay. Then an add for the National Guard came on and everyone went quiet and was really respectable...I thought that was very cool.
What a dickhead.

This reminds me of somthing cool:

Last night at the Star Wars premier everyone was making fun of the lame ass Ad's before the previews being really loud and obnoxious, which ruled cuz they where gay. Then an add for the National Guard came on and everyone went quiet and was really respectable...I thought that was very cool.
Or maybe they lost inspiration to laugh at the ad?
One Inch Man said:
What a bunch of pussies, back in my day we used to make fun of the military, now I get in serious trouble when I speak out about those idiots.

GOD BLESS AMERICA WHERE YOU ARE FREE TO SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT as long as it lines up with the majority

They where showing respect, whats so wrong about that? They obviously COULD have kept laughing, and no one would have cared, its a Star Wars premier not a..uhh..somthing where that stuff would matter.
You know, I'm not fond of the replacement plan myself. But Donald Trump is the granddaddy of all rich jackasses. I forget who said this, but: "If you give a hillbilly a lot of money, you won't get anything but a hillbilly with a lot of money."

Oh, and respect for the Guard is good. Not their fault they got thrown into a bullshit right-wing fabricated war–most of the poor fuckers just needed money for college and the like. They weren't expecting to fight. Poor dumb bastards.