Trump Kills Rosie

Saw something about this on O'Reilly last night. Rosey deserves everything Trump is throwing at her, however I (and I'm shocked to say this) agreed with what O'Reilly said. Trump is smart, and yes, his insults are hilarioius, however it really would be great if he dominated Rosey intellectually. She would stand no chance (not that she has one anyway).
This was as much a publicity stunt as the fuckin Kramer thing was!!! It's all fuckin bull shit, now CNN gets to Blah Blah Blah about anti racism crap, along with this All Americkkkan "rich Fucks Battle", sue yer fuckin pants off Judge judy that always gets the Fuckin ratings up. Blind ya from what is really goin on! Does Trump need any more publicity, his show is certinly crap, but the cattle will consume it, Fuck!