try to guess this meeeeh amp


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I've got this one piece of gear I just can't believe how much it sucks, so I'm trying it over and over agin...this is the best result I got so far, still god awful! :puke:

I'm just posting this file cause I wanna see if you guys are able to guess what amp it is.

(this is just a quick test, nothing special, don't listen to the drums or anything, I just did this thing to have something to show you)
Guit is my CS Jackson SL-! EMG81 bridge into 808 into.....Amp.
guits are 4-tracked.
no post-processing or anything.

you don't need to tell me the sound sucks or anything (I know that;) ) I just wanna know if you could guess the amp ;)

here you go:
you are definitely exaggerating there. doesn't sound too bad. not great, but certainly better than other amps I've heard. does sound like a mesa on a low gain setting or something. sounds pretty weak and such, but it is solid with what it is. by comparison those amp simulators have the opposite, can sound kick ass but very fake sounding and thus not solid.

excuse me for the weird terminology as I'm exhausted and just graduated school haha.
It took my like HOURS of knob-tweaking to get it where it is now... and I think you're right, it doesn't really sound powerful.
it's a mesa recto recording-pre in direct-mode.....(direct to desk, no pweramp, cab, mic, whatever involved)
gain is on 2:00 plus tubescreamer (modern channel), so it should be way more powerful 4-tracked ;),

I LOVE that pre in combination with a good poweramp and cab, but I really HATE it as a direct-recording device...IMO every POD sounds better (and this is meant to be "the real thing" and costs like 1700€ least for direct use).

at least you guessed it's a mesa..that's more than I expected...I thought you'd say "Behringer V-Amp"...:puke:
They seem to be offering a damned sweet package, right enough... Just curious...

Anyhoo, send me the Mesa if you don't like it!