Trying to get that TAIM - Hate sound


Apr 18, 2010
Basically as the title says I'm trying to get that feel of the Hate album by Thy Art is Murder. Obviously I'm no Will Putney but what could I do to this mix to make it hit harder. I guess what I'm trying to describe is that really in your face kind of mix where mine feels really laxed. Can anyone help me out?

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Don't cut out so much damn bass in the guitars. Lower the frequency that you cut at, and use a gentler slope.

And mix more of the bass guitar in. Like, almost another dB.
The hate sound is all about midrange saturation, maybe try a multiband saturator or something else to really get the mids cranked, your mix sounds too soft and pillowy to get that hate thing going.
I personally think your sound is great but not that close to TAIM's tone.
Their tones are pretty "harsh", like there is a grain on the guitar's tone, yours is more smooth/round sounding.

You can hear it clearly at the beginning of Vile Creations

I guess you can try tone matching that beginning part.

I tried it (tone matching) a while ago and this is what I got (no mix, just raw guitars):
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