
Jan 4, 2008
TSE B.O.D version 2.0 is now available for OSX 10.6 or higher


Changes from v1.0:
- New GUI
- New Low / High quality switch introduced
- Improved op-amp modeling, dynamic saturation (the whole circuit/stage is affected by the opamp driven into saturation like in R47). Overall a little darker/natural sounding transients.

Please report crashes etc ;)

Great, MAC users will be happy, this is a great plug!
Thanks for your work Onquel, I'm loving your X50!
Fuck yeah!! This has been the greatest release in the history of mankind. I have been pushed to use all kinds of replacement plugins from which none do the same job.

Thank you, oh master!
Hell yeah! Thanks so much onqel, just in time seeing as I've just switched over to OSX a few weeks ago.

Looking forward to getting x50 and TSE 808 on mac as well in the future :D

Donation coming your way right now
Hmm am I blind or is there no downloadlink on your homepage yet? For me there still stands OSX Coming soon.
But anyways, can't wait to try it. Waited so long :D
Hmm am I blind or is there no downloadlink on your homepage yet? For me there still stands OSX Coming soon.
But anyways, can't wait to try it. Waited so long :D

Try with another browser if you have. Or delete cookies etc. I remember on my old computer the browser sometimes didn't quite update some sites correctly.
Has anyone experienced problems when lets say, you're tracking bass and you want to copy the track you're using to record for different takes but the track you copied level is EXTREMELY low compared to the original?
This only happens to me with the BOD v2.