Tube question !! Post your opinions!


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Hello everyone, the time for changing my XXX tubes has come. As you probably know Peavey XXX stardar tubes are: 4x 12AX7 Electro Harmonix and 4x 6L6 Ruby (in my case), right now I have: 3x ECC83 JJ and 1x ECC83s sovtek (phase) and 4x 6L6 JJ. Not really happy with the way it sounds, it´s like it sounded best before with Electro harmonix.
I play Thrash metal (the sound of the lastest Exodus albums/Kreator, not old school) and also Chimaira style, I´m tuned in Drop C.
So, which model/brand do you recommend??? 6L6/EL34...¿?
Thanks a lot!