Tupperware for the Mind

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
I just picked up a pda the other day so I could run some diagnostic software for my car, and man, this thing is great! In three days I have packed so much crap into it that I keep thinking I am gonna run out of memory. I am a technologicaly retarded person, I don't deal well with electronic gadgetry, but I should have bought one of these things a long time ago. I have a piss poor short term memory (no, its not from what you think, though I do have the munchies! :loco: ) so my wallet, glove compartment, and dresser alway had these little peices of paper with people names and numbers on them. The only birthday's I can remember at all are mine, my wifes, and my son's. On some occasions I have come home from work to find the whole family there, celebrating someone's b'day that I had totaly forgotten about! No more! Though I pray that my batteries never die.......
bestwestranger said:
I just picked up a pda the other day so I could run some diagnostic software for my car, and man, this thing is great! In three days I have packed so much crap into it that I keep thinking I am gonna run out of memory. I am a technologicaly retarded person, I don't deal well with electronic gadgetry, but I should have bought one of these things a long time ago. I have a piss poor short term memory (no, its not from what you think, though I do have the munchies! :loco: ) so my wallet, glove compartment, and dresser alway had these little peices of paper with people names and numbers on them. The only birthday's I can remember at all are mine, my wifes, and my son's. On some occasions I have come home from work to find the whole family there, celebrating someone's b'day that I had totaly forgotten about! No more! Though I pray that my batteries never die.......

what is this, the script for a PDA commercial?