Turkey be strong, I love you :)

To our friends in Turkey:

I'm very appauled by the attacks in your country, and my condolences go out to you all. The villians who commited these acts are evil, and God willing, they will not escape justice for long. Hopefully the whole world will learn that these terrorists do not represent the true face of Islam, and that the problem of terrorism is not a thing that only Israelis or Americans face. The whole world must realize this evil and stand up for peace and justice.
It seems that at this moment in the world, Orphaned Land is the most appropriate thing that we could have against these evil forces. The release of Mabool will hopefully help mark a turning point in the world.
Remember, we are all brothers and sisters in metal.
I joine the consolations. We are all brothers and sisters, not only by musical gener or culture/religion.

Justice and sanity will prevail, but first we have to be Faithful.
thanx brothers and sisters.
im a person who live in istanbul and yesterday one of those fucking bombs exploded just 10 min. far away from me and it seems like a nightmare but all of those people who died are real, it's fucking real.
and kobi i know you love us like i love all of you.miss you much:wave:come here soon!
Unfortunatly here in Israel we know this type of terror too well, some of us has expirienced it on our flesh and many Israelis share the feelings of loosing dear and beloved ones to these kind of acts.

It is sad that Turkey, a land where Orphaned Land in it's last gig there could meet fans from Jordan, has to suffer the consequences of being so open-minded to western colture, let the war not bring us down, let's always face forward, no matter how some people will always try to take it away from us.

My deepest sympathies to Turkey, one of my most favourite places, and a place which bares many people I care for and love.
I was only 200 meters away from second bomb that blast in Taksim.

Thank you everyone that pray for us. I'm praying in my religion to all good people in the world that not separating by religion...

To be good person, it comes before everything...

Love from Turkey...

Burak Baş, webmaster of Orphaned Land's Holy WebLand
Maybe Some People Try To Keep Us Apart, But Music Will Always Unite Us...
Our Sympathies From Greece.
Be Strong , We Are With You.
natronski said:
To our friends in Turkey:

I'm very appauled by the attacks in your country, and my condolences go out to you all. The villians who commited these acts are evil, and God willing, they will not escape justice for long. Hopefully the whole world will learn that these terrorists do not represent the true face of Islam, and that the problem of terrorism is not a thing that only Israelis or Americans face. The whole world must realize this evil and stand up for peace and justice.
What a load of crap! You don't happen to have a position in US media, do you? This shit is inevitable, and the way things seem to be going, there's no end to it.

And before anyone jumps at me, I am originally from Iran and lived in a type of terror that none of you will ever experience, or can even imagine, for 20 fucking years...so shut up!
beast, natronski.. guys...

how can you compare one fear to another ? teh things that was going on in Iran is different that todays violence in the mid east.

I dont see any reason to compare these type of behaviours. Why wont you talk of ways to make things better instead of blaming?
Hey Beast...
Sorry I offended you man. I don't want you to think I was like some war-crazy dude, but it really sucks when you get these people blowing themselves up and killing lots of innocent people. Sorry, I can't write for shit, man.
You're from Iran? I've got a couple really good friends there, all of whom are into metal.
It's alright, man.

It just pisses me off when people oversimplify this kinda stuff, which makes them sound pretty unrealistic. Yeah, living in terror sucks ass, innocent people being killed for no reason, and all that shit. But let's be honest, the way things are going, I don't see any end to it.

And yeah, surprisingly (or maybe not), the number of Iranian metalheads is rather high.
Beast - i have a good net pal who`s metalist too, and livign in teheran :))

yeah she`s way cool !

and bout that optimistic point of view, im a total optimist.

lets put it this way, do you really think it`ll never end this wave of pointless misanthrope terror ?

i doubt that think elsewise...
Performing in Thehran is one of my highest goals I'll tell you the truth, I really hope that things will make this possible one day, and I believe things will!!!

Anyhow, you are right about one thing my friend: war has been around since the dawn of man, many nations had fought one another through time, this circle doesn't seem to end, and who knows if there can be any solution, our knowlage as human beings is very much limited in this world.

But, in nature, there is a time for everything to occur. There is a time for war, and a time for frienship and love. Sometimes you argue with your friends and take your own stands, and the next minute you're cool and everybody's laughing like nothing happened.

I really believe that right now in this moment the time is right for love, maybe the next moment we'll fight, but afterwards we can love each other again and laugh about things. this circle is endless, it repeats itself through history, it has two sides that without them it won't be whole.