TV/Internet Packages


Jun 3, 2003
I've never had cable before. Are there any of these that don't sting the wallet like a thousand angry scorpions? Any of you have deals that aren't too rapey? I feel like I'm spending too much money going to watch sports at bars, which is the main reason I want cable. TV shows would be a plus, but I'm content enough to bootleg anything that doesn't need to be seen live.

AT&T is fairly cheap for internet right now, but they don't offer Uverse at my address, even though it's in an affluent neighborhood in a huge city. Comcast/Xfinity seems like a brutal deal, and they don't do cell phone bundles like AT&T. I don't have roomies, and I don't want to pay over $100 for TV/Internet, but would if there's cell phone with it. RCN seems like the best deal on the surface, which makes sense since they don't spam broadcast TV with commercials like AT&T and Comcast. But hidden fees for DVR, modems, etc.

tl;dr: I want cheap cable to watch sports. What do?
I love me some cable.

Luckily, I live in a small town that also has a local Cable and Internet company, Westphalia Broadband. It's cheap as hell and the cable is great with really fast internet. Couldn't be happier.

But that probably doesn't help you. I used to have Dish Network and that was really good too, but if you are looking for sports, I'm pretty sure DirecTV would be the way to go for you.
What sports do you watch? Football can be off basic and free, large college basketball and football is on basic and ESPN3 free is kind of great. Hockey I get from NHL Gamecenter package, same with MLB, NBA is impossible without cable and not sure if i'm missing anything.

Basic is free btw, and HD is free streaming in the air as well.
I pay $75 a month for expanded basic & Internet from Time Warner. Lot's of HD channels which is nice & I love the on demand feature. I do not have a DVR though. They keep trying to raise my rate every year & when they do I just call them & tell them nicely I am thinking about going elsewhere, what can you do for me? They have always been willing to give me another 12 months locked in at their lowest rate.
Mathiäs;10566755 said:
Only if you get a shitty installation or something. Mine only goes out in the most severe of storms, less than once a year if that. Plus you can get MLB extra innings, sunday ticket, etc.

I had it in Colorado and I would never get it's like having a bad stream video on the internet, gets all pixelated often and whatnot..never again would I get satellite
I pay $75 a month for expanded basic & Internet from Time Warner. Lot's of HD channels which is nice & I love the on demand feature. I do not have a DVR though. They keep trying to raise my rate every year & when they do I just call them & tell them nicely I am thinking about going elsewhere, what can you do for me? They have always been willing to give me another 12 months locked in at their lowest rate.

I've considered getting rid of DVR to save money. Time Warner gouges the shit out of people with their prices. I'm really considering going to the phone company since they offer fiber optics now. Or DirecTV, but you're locked in for two years with that bullshit.

If I could get wireless to work on my laptop, I would dump cable altogether and just get a Netflix subscription.
That's what my girlfriend and I have. The only channel I'd want cable for is AMC (for Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and Mad Men). Luckily I have friends with cable
I mainly want ESPN, regional Comcast sports, Big Ten Network, NHL and MLB networks. Don't care about NFL Sunday Ticket, and it's rumored that DirecTV is going to lose exclusivity on that soon. Dish top 200 offers that and is $35 for the first year and $60 after that, assuming a contract and all. I'd be looking at $55 and upwards. for DirecTV for the same. It's hard to sort out all the bullshit rental and DVR fees. I'm sure the basic DVR stuff is fine, and I only have one TV at home.

I would use NHL Gamecenter, but if the viewing quality is on par with ESPN3, it's good in a pinch but not something you'd want to invite people over to watch.