TWELFTH GATE Begin Search For New Vocalist


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
TWELFTH GATE would like to announce that they are currently looking for a new permanent vocalist. Much to the band's disappointment, their previous replacement for original singer Scott Huffman turned out not to be as good a fit for the band as anticipated...both for personal and professional reasons.

Vocalists who are interested should have good clean mid-range vocals, as well as a good dirty/raspy/heavy vocal ability. Due to the continuing natural progression of the band's musical direction, a good balance between clean & dirty vocals is preferred. Serious candidates will also be required to submit pre-recorded samples of vocal ability prior to auditioning with the band. If interested, please contact the band via the Twelfth Gate myspace page ( or the official website (

Thanks & take care...
TWELFTH GATE (Rob, Rich, Jim, & Dan)
Best of luck Rob.
No reason to sugar coat the issue. Scott's replacement was not a good fit for the band. He was entertaining live but his vocal style was not a good match for the Twelfth Gate material. That is not a knock to him in any way, just my honest opinion of his vocal style and the Twelfth Gate material.
I thought his vocals were fine. I preferred Scott's but that's just my preference. I don't think anyone in Twelfth Gate necessarily had an issue with the guy's voice, it was more professional/personal reasons for the split.
Jasonic said:
Best of luck Rob.
No reason to sugar coat the issue. Scott's replacement was not a good fit for the band. He was entertaining live but his vocal style was not a good match for the Twelfth Gate material. That is not a knock to him in any way, just my honest opinion of his vocal style and the Twelfth Gate material.

Thanks bro!

Honestly though, this decision was not really musically motivated at all. However, we did begin to see some signs of potential vocal issues...especially since we still prefer a better mix of heavy & clean vocals, and he already started to gravitate more towards the heavy. Plus...he was not one to take very good care of his voice...which unfortunately was apparent at this year's Powerfest. At first, we thought it was just a fluke & that it was just a rookie mistake...but as the months went on, we realized it wasn't. Basically, aside from the real reasons why this happened, the long term vocal issues became an added concern....therefore, also better this went down now than when those issues became significant.
Hey, I left a comment on your space from Satanic Dirge, but I'll repeat here I guess. If you guys ever want some grim screams for any of your songs, just let me know. I've got two different scream styles, one that is more straight-forward out of the mouth, and the other that is a lot thicker and less human-sounding that is made primarily out of throat distortion by clamping the throat very, very tight. So let me know if a spot ever pops up for that. I can record the screams at home with my Blue Snowball studio mic, and mail you a CD-R with the big "wav" files or something with silence before or after in the file, so you could easily import the wave and time it with the song. Know what I mean? Plus I'd do it for free, I'm not in any position to "sell" any vocals, hahaha! I do it for the love of the music. It's something I've wanted to do for anyone who approaches me, so any of you guys want screams at all, let me know. I'll record them here, mail you CD-R, and you can pop them in. :)

Your thing said you were looking for a clean vocalist who can become raspy. Well my clean range isn't too high, it's about like Dan Swano was except he seems to be getting higher and higher now as well. My raspy voice can go higher but it sounds like Children of Bodom, so that's different. Plus you're in Chicago eh, I'm in Pennsylvania, so I can't actually "join"... I'm just offering my little through-mail scream services, haha! :)

So far I've only recorded with the one scream style (the more straight-forward one) with Satanic Dirge... Lemme know what's up. Every band has got to have the screaming song, eh? Even Kamelot had Shagrath on March of Mefisto..... :)
Oinkness said:
Hey, I left a comment on your space from Satanic Dirge, but I'll repeat here I guess. If you guys ever want some grim screams for any of your songs, just let me know. I've got two different scream styles, one that is more straight-forward out of the mouth, and the other that is a lot thicker and less human-sounding that is made primarily out of throat distortion by clamping the throat very, very tight. So let me know if a spot ever pops up for that. I can record the screams at home with my Blue Snowball studio mic, and mail you a CD-R with the big "wav" files or something with silence before or after in the file, so you could easily import the wave and time it with the song. Know what I mean? Plus I'd do it for free, I'm not in any position to "sell" any vocals, hahaha! I do it for the love of the music. It's something I've wanted to do for anyone who approaches me, so any of you guys want screams at all, let me know. I'll record them here, mail you CD-R, and you can pop them in. :)

Your thing said you were looking for a clean vocalist who can become raspy. Well my clean range isn't too high, it's about like Dan Swano was except he seems to be getting higher and higher now as well. My raspy voice can go higher but it sounds like Children of Bodom, so that's different. Plus you're in Chicago eh, I'm in Pennsylvania, so I can't actually "join"... I'm just offering my little through-mail scream services, haha! :)

So far I've only recorded with the one scream style (the more straight-forward one) with Satanic Dirge... Lemme know what's up. Every band has got to have the screaming song, eh? Even Kamelot had Shagrath on March of Mefisto..... :)

Hey bro,

Thanks for the offer! If we need your help, I'll definitely let you know. Also, just to clarify, we're actually looking more for someone who can mix it up 50/50 overall...of course some songs may need more clean vocals, and some songs may need more heavy vocals...ya know.

Take care,