Twelfth Gate/Powerfest interview online

Interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
Very sorry to hear the fest lost that sum of money again.

Hopefully the sponsorship idea can help turn things around.
good job!

JM: Did you have to deal with that at all this year [rock star bands]?

RS: Nope, not at all. Not last year, not the year before, never. We're hoping to keep this streak alive (laughs).

I guess we won't be seeing Seven Witches play anytime soon. ;)
Seven Witches are rock stars?
How do you figure?
I have met Jack Frost a couple of times, and contacted him through email.
He's a good, stand-up guy.

Do you have a specific experience in dealing with him or the band personally that would make you say that?
Do you have a specific experience in dealing with him or the band personally that would make you say that?

no, but I have tons of friends in bands who have worked with him, and every one of them says he's a prick, and has a similar Jack-Frost-Is-A-Prick story to back it up.

to fans, yes, he's very nice. to fellow bands, he's a bossy/stuckup jackass.
I will take your word for it.
He's just one of those guys though where I have never heard anyone say anything negative about.

Though 7W is certainly a revolving door of musicians!
Aren't Chris and the Ion Vein tight with those dudes?

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks dude!! I really need the laugh today. :lol:

And to be honest, the hatin' comes from anyone who thinks very highly of themselves & their own abilities....oh, and when they use ppl for their own gains. **cough**Jack**cough**

I guess I've just become quite jaded from my experiences from within the scene & industry. :cry:
Well, then again, he's probably been nice to you cuz you rubbed his balls. :lol:

You know because Seven Witches are SO huge, I just HAD to get close to him........... We had talked over email a couple times, and I introduced myself to him the first time I saw them at Mil. Metalfest.

Sorry I asked you the question, though you were the one to dis him.
You should be able to provide a better answer than, "you're an ass kisser"
You know because Seven Witches are SO huge, I just HAD to get close to him........... We had talked over email a couple times, and I introduced myself to him the first time I saw them at Mil. Metalfest.

Sorry I asked you the question, though you were the one to dis him.
You should be able to provide a better answer than, "you're an ass kisser"

I recall that late summer day....your eyes lit up with glee as you saw jack Frost standing ran like a little girl going to the doll store to meet him. I recall you saying....this is the high point of my life.
You know because Seven Witches are SO huge, I just HAD to get close to him........... We had talked over email a couple times, and I introduced myself to him the first time I saw them at Mil. Metalfest.

Sorry I asked you the question, though you were the one to dis him.
You should be able to provide a better answer than, "you're an ass kisser"

So you never once told Jack that you liked his band? And he was still very nice to you? Wow, I am impressed.

Why do get so defensive when I give you a little shit, but you expect me to take yours? Nice!!!:rolleyes:
Well, as you said, obviously Jack knew I was a fan of his band.
Otherwise, why would I have talked to him....

Oh, and I can take it as much as I can dish it!

Bring it on!!! It's all in good fun.....