Twisted Sister / Bent Brother


Feb 4, 2002
Went to see TW last night and I got to tell you I'm Not a fan. With the exception of were not gonna take It and the song from Pee Wee's Big adventure I dont know any other tune.. After seeing them rock the fuckin socks off of the Starland in Jersey I am a definite fan!!! Dee Snider must be 50and he rocked harder then most 25 year olds. Some of us in younger bands could learn alot from that guy. My only complaint is the usual group of Jersey Meat Heads.... Some of those fuck holes should be shot.. I hate Jersey ... Too bad there is so much cool stuff there.
Seeing a band that puts on a good show live makes all the difference in the world doesn't it? It enhances my experience listening to them on the radio or on CD since I have a visual memory of them going off on stage.

That's how I started listening to Killswitch.
i would love to have seen twisted sister in concert,anyone interested in checking them out should buy an album called big hits and nasty,great album.