Twitter! Studio reports!


New Metal Member
May 4, 2006

You guys should start using Twitter so it will be easier for you to update your fans on the progress of the new album and other things going on. Sitting down to update the web site or is often a much harder hurdle, I reckon it's so much easier to send a quick 140 char text now and then with whatever is going on :)

There's seldom any news on the site :(

Also, I would love if you could create some regular video studio reports when
you enter the studio to record your next album. That would be awesome.

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks for the music, looking forward to the next album (more so than any other album)!

- Thy
Excellent idea..we`ll take a look into it ;-) With that said there is not much going on except that we are writing new stuff everyday ;-) A cool thing would be as you said bring the latest news regarding each song as time goes by ;-)

Thx bro



You guys should start using Twitter so it will be easier for you to update your fans on the progress of the new album and other things going on. Sitting down to update the web site or is often a much harder hurdle, I reckon it's so much easier to send a quick 140 char text now and then with whatever is going on :)

There's seldom any news on the site :(

Also, I would love if you could create some regular video studio reports when
you enter the studio to record your next album. That would be awesome.

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks for the music, looking forward to the next album (more so than any other album)!

- Thy
My two cents...

I have to say i don't have checked out the fuzz about twitter and that's because i got enough with myspace, facebook and the official band forums and web sites. I've seen many forums almost dry out because people tend to jump on the latest trend within how to communicate and release news. Could be that twitter is one awesome gadget for news, but there is always a limit how much time people like to browse around. And if a band is constantly gonna be a part of the latest hype, i believe people will loose some interest. I'm maybe "old school", but myspace, official web site and forum is the places to spread the word.
My two cents...

I have to say i don't have checked out the fuzz about twitter and that's because i got enough with myspace, facebook and the official band forums and web sites. I've seen many forums almost dry out because people tend to jump on the latest trend within how to communicate and release news. Could be that twitter is one awesome gadget for news, but there is always a limit how much time people like to browse around. And if a band is constantly gonna be a part of the latest hype, i believe people will loose some interest. I'm maybe "old school", but myspace, official web site and forum is the places to spread the word.

I partially disagree with you there. I don't think Twitter is so much a gadget for news, as it is a gadget for short 'status updates'. Like it was mentioned earlier the size is pretty much limited, so the messages on Twitter could be just one or two sentences long. Whereas people will keep visiting forums, news sections and myspace as long as the bandmembers update those often enough, with more detailed pieces that they couldn't fit on the twitter, the Twitter could be used for stuff like "Recording guitars for the second song now while Mike is fidgeting around with his new, pink, diamond-studded microphone"

As for the time aspect, it's often (not always!) less time consuming to follow an RSS feed of a twitter than it is to browse forums, myspace and website. When people have more time, they will check the website, forum and such anyways, whereas if they're short on time they'll be more tempted to quickly find out about the updates their favourite band put up on their Twitter.

I agree that a band shouldn't try to be a part of every small hype, since spreading themselves too thin would in the end be a bad thing for the band. I do think, however, that Twitter is by now established enough that it's safe for a band like Circus Maximus to actually attract more attention to their writing, recording and eventually releasing of their new album.