Two Buss Compressor Help

Mike 24

Jul 23, 2007
Wanted to ask what you metal guys are using on the two buss for hardware compressors? I am looking in to getting a hardware version over software for that ellusive "glue" I've been hearing about that these can provide. Can people comment on the API 2500, Smart C2 and say Roll 755 or Drawmer 1968?
Or, if I should be looking at something else or stay with a quality software compressor?

Thanks in advance!
i've used the SC2 before, and it's pretty sweet...but honestly, for the $$, i'd probably stick with something like the waves SSL comp - you're getting 98% of the sound for a fraction of the cost
i've used the SC2 before, and it's pretty sweet...but honestly, for the $$, i'd probably stick with something like the waves SSL comp - you're getting 98% of the sound for a fraction of the cost

yeah, but i think he was talking about a hardware comp. the thing i noticed about outboard hardware is it is more in your face immediate than software. but software can work, and save you a lot of money.
Hey, for rock/metal I think you'd really like the API2500 since you're looking for "glue". But, it's not transparent at all and does have a color. You will probably want a more transparent compressor if you're trying to do some mastering though.
I have been using URS's CSP plugin recently on the 2-buss. Been really happy with the results (especially considering the versatility), although I'd love to try the Alan Smart stuff. If you have the URS plugin, check out some of the mix bus presets as starting points, and adjust the input and output on the plugin accordingly.