Two dead in Walmart stampede

Don't quite see how ridiculous consumerism moves us closer to the 3rd world...
EDIT: Also, Dakryn, the dude worked there. Not his fault. Asshole.
Don't quite see how ridiculous consumerism moves us closer to the 3rd world...

they're pretty common in the middle east and africa(stampedes, that is)
Same thing happened here with Wal-Mart's counterpart. Zellers, down in Canada is Wal-Mart's enemy, and today in Nova Scotia, the guy was unlocking the doors for the midnight madness, and people wanted to get in so bad, they broke the door down, and it killed the guy as he was getting trampled.
Wal-Mart is going to get sued and have to pay a shitload, imo.
By the dude's family. I don't think anyone else injured has any claim.

Same thing happened here with Wal-Mart's counterpart. Zellers, down in Canada is Wal-Mart's enemy, and today in Nova Scotia, the guy was unlocking the doors for the midnight madness, and people wanted to get in so bad, they broke the door down, and it killed the guy as he was getting trampled.

It's like a sale or something, right? Are they worried there won't be anything left to buy?
God. People are so fucking stupid.
What the fuck?!
That's absolutely horrible. I don't see how anyone can justify trampling someone to death over a stupid sale. You'd think that maybe a few more people would have stopped to pick him up after they stepped on him. Jesus christ.
It's like a sale or something, right? Are they worried there won't be anything left to buy?
God. People are so fucking stupid.

Yeah, store closes at 5 so we can get ready for the sale, and then it re-opens at 6, thank god I finished at 3:30 lol. There isn't much that comes in for each item. Like we only get like 12 Wii's each sale for it. it's retarded, so people are liking fighting for it lol