Two members of After Death drown on tour in Brazil

Well the tides are strong on that beach and it is considered to be very dangerous...

This is such a shame, following another tradgic death on the 20th also when the vocalist Joe Ptacek of Broken Hope took his own life :(

These are sad times.
Fuck... 2010 better not be a 2009 part 2. :( That really sucks, to die so young when they were just getting started. :( R.I.P.
I am now at the age knowing I am going to die but I feel I have like another 35 years ahead of me, I hate it knowing people younger than me are dying, it's kinda weird

Mike's death was the 1st time in my life knowing someone younger than me has died and it has left me feeling very vurnable, I now embrace each moment as it comes because when I was younger I didn't give a fuck because I would live a long time but now, I appreciate as many things as possible, fuck, people are dying younger than me

Goes to show
I've always thought to myself this: "The only way to truly live life is to embrace death". It's not some kind of serial killer logic, but simply, don't worry about your own death and get on with your life, if you die, you die, nothing happens. My logic is that I got this life for free, and I'm lucky to be alive in the first place, so I can't really complain about dying.

Only problem with that is that it doesn't work when other people die, you still find yourself immensely affected by it. This is indeed an extremely tragic story.
It's not hard to avoid death from drowning. I suspect foul play or drugs/booze involvement.

never heard of em but RIP anyway.

Sorry brother, but that's totally not true.

Treading water is hard work. even small currents can carry a lot of mass over long distances. There's a reason they call that beach one of the most dangerous in Brazil, and it has nothing to do with booze or drugs.