Two more tracks from the forthcoming DARK EMPIRE up on myspace

Cool, thanks Matt. I like these the best so far...the chorus to Humanity Dethroned is great, I dig the keys in the background. Prelude is very cool, and Haunted is a nice asskicker...great use of the "dueling" grunts (one high/abrasive, one low/guttural)...and the bridge/solo :kickass:
Humanity Dethroned is going to be a killer album. Might be one of the best releases of 2008.

I've loved the title track ever since I heard the early demo of it. It's great to finally hear a non-bootleg Prelude/Haunted.

I can't wait to order this in February.
After one listen i have to say that the tune(s) 'Prelude/Haunted' is my favorite Dark Empire tune yet. Amazing Track!!! And the title track was not far behind it. I can't wait to get my hands on this disc. For now i'll just listen to those tunes over and over again. Thanks for making them available. :kickass: