Two Really shitty things.

Its great when you have a car. Really great. AND ITS FUCKING ANNOYING when the bastard thing breaks. And It refuses all attempts at repair by profesionals. And eats your money which you don't have.

It's also bags of fun when you get told you have to work 3pm-midnight from now on or you're sacked.
Great fun. Cant arse about in my car and work is killing any sort of social life.

I hate people.
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good arguments. though there are some others too.... o_O
when is your birthday, you said....
hey, don't live surrounded by ppl, go to live in the nature, where you won't need any social contact....
you're depressed pretty often, aren't you...
And on the door to my cave I will have this sign:

eventually, I will move to the backwoods of Oregon or somewhere where no people live and fulfill my life destiny of being a hermit.
Motorcycles must have CD players, Guerilla, so I can play The Crown. But other than that, naked is ok.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
No, imagine having a car then having to pay someone to laugh at you because it's shit and won't move.

It's like being ass-fucked by someone asking if you want it videotaped.

:lol: :D
Don't you love garages?

"yes sir, we diagonsed the wrong problem, but we wont charge you for THAT(THANK YOU VERY FUCKING MUCH) but we will now be taking a long weekend and it will be at least wednesday before we can be botherd getting up off our fat, repulsive arses to actually order the very rare and intiricate pasrt that we need to fix your car. We are very sorry for the inconvinence.

Bastards. I'm glad i don't have access to a gun.