Two words for you in this vid, Steve:

What a lousy editing job. I wanted to enjoy it, but it starts too far cut into the deal and then the ending is gay too. Plus the dam audio and video aren't synched up and the whole thing is sideways. Annoying. Plus over on the list of other things that come up in the search are some other clips. There's this one of a kid playing, or trying to play the bass line for a Death song. Someone tell him he's wrong by a lot, and it sounds more like he's playing the bass line for Phil the Grasshopper, and not The Philosopher.
Sorry I guess I'm just in a bad mood tonight...this new kitten just crapped on the carpet - again!
I know I changed the topic from a bass solo with leather jeans to pesky pets. But I bet I win anyone for the number of animals owned (rather, taken care of). My life has turned me into a zoo keeper. Holy he's climbing the screen door...! Gotta go.
I doubt there was much editting done to that. It looks like something my digital camera would pick up if I turned it sideways and recorded a video: crappy sound, crappy video, and it's sideways. They were probably fumbling with it trying to record after you started and that's all they managed to get by the time they figured out how it worked.

Good luck with your zoo, Steve! :lol:
oh man... that was me in the video o_O i tried my fucking best man, i guess it wasnt good enough SHIT i quit bass.
Stop it man...Hehehe...
Can't you tell I was just itching to use the phrase Phil The Grasshopper...?!?!?
I wasn't totally serious, of course I am truly honored to see someone enjoying their time with something invented in a flea infested garage 13 years ago in A.S. Florida. I watched it a few times trying to remember exactly how that song really's been quite a while for me.
I did notice that it looks like you have a five string Kubiki Factor...or something without a head stock...! And the rythym track was something created on a machine or something? I know I didn't hear vocals, and the drums...? What's up with all of that?
I was just in a bad mood and trying to make an evil joke. But this morning everything is better, the cats and birds are still asleep, my dog is outside chasing an owl and I really enjoyed watching an awesome bass player jam on something I used to play with my buddy in FL.
Keep the low end of metal strong bassbro!
Ok, im going to go ahead and call bullshit on basswizard1 because that is not him in the video. That video is of me fucking around on the fretless, which is a hand-made fretless five string from a local luthier here. I used guitar pro for the backing track because I didnt really feel like tuning my bass down. I barely even touch that bass and only made the video to show a buddy of mine the fretless. I can't be arsed to play the fretless long enough to get good at it. It typically play my six string dingwall. I suppose its cool that Steve took time out of his schedual to watch my shitty vid. Phil the Grasshopper?
That dude playing the Philosopher is doing it wrong?

Then I guess I've been playing it wrong too, because the tab I have sounds the same.

Oh well.

On a side note, Steve, I love those Testament vids. Your bass cuts through so easily, I can't believe it...oh, and hang in there with the pets.