
you know, this board seems to have a lot of knowledge pertaining to sea creatures, obscure harpischords and a fucking overflow of tab-related posting flaps, but when you're confronted with the progress of the hive you all shut up! or you're all blank slates! i'll buy into either, at this point!
you're goddamn blood hags just waiting for a poll. and then you make your polls, and you get other worms to respond, but ultimately, someone is waiting for someone else to FINALLY construct a poll that pertains to a sexual situation, but then 90% of you couldn't goddamn answer.

meanwhile i get shit on.
Tobops, thank you. also, i don't get it. it's as if your service crippled your basic rights. is the inability to recieve due to a damaged phone or some weird deficiency of your plan?

waxfer, fuck you to jake's hell.

the_pre, i want this plan! where??????????? i never seen it!

i subscribe to a $2.99 "internet" option, but the phone doesn't have web capabilities. why do i have this??
go to the t-mobile website or call them. that's what e did. he pays for it. so he said ENUFFF because i had like 300 txt's a month between you, jared, and my sister. and so i think it's like $5 or something for a lot of txt's.